Tag: Social Media

Casual References and Endorsements on Social Media

Yesterday’s Advisor featured tips on social media policies from Attorney Jonathan Segal. Today, his tips on casual references and endorsements and friending and unfriending work colleagues.   Casual References Casual references on LinkedIn or other professional social media sites pose legal risks: Defamation (if they are negative and untrue). Misrepresentation (if they are positive and […]

Governor Walker friends Facebook users, bars employers from trolling employees’ accounts

by Saul C. Glazer The question of whether employers can require applicants or current employees to divulge social media passwords has been hotly debated both from a legal and a moral standpoint. On April 8, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed a bill protecting nonpublic social media accounts. This bill, which takes effect April 10, prohibits […]

Surveillance and Secrets—Managing Social Media Risks

[Go here for S’s 1 and 2] S #3. Surveillance or “Snooping” What’s the Risk? When you monitor employee’s social media activity, you run two risks, says Yip: Damage to morale. The company may call it surveillance, but the employees will view it as snooping, and they won’t like it. The vast majority of employees […]

Four S’s of Social Media Risk

The 4 S’s of Social Media Risk Yip, who is litigation partner at the Honolulu office of law firm Cades Schutte LLP, offered his four S’s at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium held recently in Las Vegas. S #1. Searches What’s the Risk? The biggest risk in searches is that you might learn information that […]

Recruiting talent or trouble? What recruiters need to know

Finding just the right person for a job is the constant challenge for recruiters. Even when they have the benefit of up-to-date training, high-tech tools, and good common sense, they often face an uphill struggle. They’re either inundated with applications—many from unqualified candidates—or they’re left with such a small number of suitable applications that they […]

New Jersey social media privacy law takes effect December 1

by David K. Reid Employers need to be ready for New Jersey’s new social media privacy law, which takes effect December 1. The law prohibits employers from requiring applicants and employees to disclose their user names and passwords for personal social media accounts or otherwise provide access to their accounts. The law doesn’t apply to […]

How Does HR Use Social Media?

HR departments are using social media for a surprising number of tasks, and their use of social media will increase significantly in 2014, according to the recent HR trends survey.

Nevada law on social media privacy, credit reports takes effect October 1

Nevada’s new law restricting employer access to employees’ and applicants’ social media accounts and credit information goes into effect October 1. Assembly Bill 181, signed by Governor Brian Sandoval on June 13, provides protections for employees’ personal social media accounts and prohibits employers from conditioning employment on consumer credit reports or other credit information. The […]

HR Department Survey Results Are In; How Do You Compare?

The most common HR-to-employee ratios are between 1 to 101 and 1 to 200. While 1% of respondents earned over $200,000 per year, the most commonly reported salary was between $51,000 and $70,000 per year. The most commonly outsourced function was background checks Thanks to all 1,839 companies that participated in the survey! Here are […]

Policies Survey Says … Social Media Is Biggest Hassle

The biggest stumbling block to enforcement of policies is management team members’ tendency to enforce only “some” policies. The policy violation most indicated as warranting discipline but not termination is attendance and punctuality. The most common termination-level offense is violation of the weapons/violence policy. Our 2013 Policies Survey reveals that 93% of participants have formalized […]