Tag: Social Media

HR Trends Survey Results in–How Do You Compare?

Over 300 HR practitioners participated in the survey. Other findings include: More than  two-thirds use social media for recruiting at least some of the time (Respondents offered 25 other ways their HR departments are using social media.). 41 percent say the top HR person is a full member of the executive (C-suite) team. 54 percent […]

More Employers Finding Reasons Not to Hire Candidates on Social Media, Finds CareerBuilder Survey

More than two in five (43 percent) hiring managers who currently research candidates via social media said they have found information that has caused them not to hire a candidate, according to a recent CareerBuilder survey. This is up 9 percentage points from last year! There was also a slight rise in the number of […]

Washington state latest to pass social media privacy law

Employers in Washington state should take note of a new law prohibiting them from requiring current or prospective employees to provide access to their social media accounts. Washington is the eighth state to pass such a law, and the National Conference of State Legislatures says 33 states are considering similar bills this year. The federal […]

Expert’s Secrets of Social Media Candidate Sourcing

Just for example, says Dingee, do an advanced search on LinkedIn, say, for an HR manager near ZIP 06475 in banking. Here’s the search: Dingee’s tips came at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas. (Info on this years’ symposium here. ) Here are some of the results: Dingee recommends paying for enhanced service […]

Utah social media password law takes effect May 14

by Darryl J. Lee Utah’s Internet Employment Privacy Act (IEPA) goes into effect May 14, making Utah the latest state to prohibit employers from requiring employees or job applicants to disclose their passwords or user names for personal social media accounts. Similar legislation has been enacted in California, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, and New Jersey. […]

Employer Violated NLRA by Firing Workers for Facebook Postings

Clothing retailer Bettie Page must reinstate three terminated employees with back pay and rescind an unlawful handbook rule, said the National Labor Relations Board in affirming a lower court’s finding that the employer violated several provisions of the National Labor Relations Act. The NLRB agreed that the employer violated the NLRA’s prohibition of unfair labor […]

Social Media–Badmouthing, NLRB, Privacy

The eight tentacles come from a recent BLR/HRHero-sponsored webinar featuring Patricia Trainor, JD, and Stephen Bruce, PhD. Attorney Trainor is BLR’s Senior Managing Editor, HR; Bruce is editor of the HR Daily Advisor.  [Go here for tentacles 1 to 4.] Tentacle #5—Inappropriate/ Negative Actions Toward the Employer Release of “trade secrets” and other proprietary data […]

Social Media Octopus—The 8 Tentacles That Can Grab You Unawares

Attorney Trainor is BLR’s Senior Managing Editor, HR; Bruce is editor of the HR Daily Advisor. Tentacle #1—Sourcing and Recruiting with Social Media It’s clear that social media is rising as a method of recruiting, and some employers are enjoying great success. However, when you use only one source for finding candidates, there’s always the […]

Use Social Media to Help Train New Hires Effectively

Some companies tap into Facebook for this purpose, while others turn to a vendor to create an internal, customized portal with “a Facebook feel,” Vitale explains. Onboarding portals provide new hires with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with management and various departments before their first day and afterwards. This is particularly helpful in decentralized organizations, […]

New California laws affecting employers take effect January 1

by Jim Brown California employers will have several new laws to deal with as of January 1, 2013. Of particular interest are measures affecting social media passwords, religious dress and grooming standards, and commission agreements. Social media passwords Assembly Bill 1844 prohibits employers from requiring employees or applicants to disclose usernames or passwords for the […]