Tag: Twitter

Onboarding Millennials and Generation Zs

Millennials will soon make up the majority of the workforce, and Generation Z (Gen Z) is right behind them. What types of challenges are employers facing when it comes to engaging Millennial and Gen Z new hires in the onboarding process? We have a few tips for optimizing your process for these new hires.

Have a Little Sympathy; I Just Quit My Job

The Comedy Central show, @Midnight, recently asked its Twitter followers to tweet how they would quit their jobs using the hashtag, “#QuitYourJobIn5Words.” The Twitter world complied and left us such gems as “Nobody puts baby in cubicle” via @TunaOfTheSky, and “I’ve caught all the Pokémon here” from @Roybq. However, no amount of hashtags could prepare […]

Attention Helicopter Parents: You Can’t Come to Your Child’s Job Interview

Not sure what a helicopter parent is? According to Wikipedia, “A helicopter parent (also called a cosseting parent or simply a cosseter) is a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child’s or children’s experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. Helicopter parents are so named because, like helicopters, they hover overhead, overseeing their […]

#Fired: Post a tweet, lose your job

Many people enjoy spouting off what they view as 140-character tidbits of wisdom on the social media platform Twitter. But recently several individuals have found themselves in trouble with their employers (read: former employers) for their tweets or other social media posts.  One recent example was a loan officer from Michigan who crafted a racist […]

Come Back Later, I’m Busy Scrapbooking!

Productivity is a huge area of focus for many organizations. And rightfully so, if your workers aren’t being productive, chances are your organization isn’t doing so great! We get it. Not all jobs are as glamorous as we’d want them to be, and sometimes taking a break helps us get productive. But sometimes workers take […]

If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say … Definitely Don’t Tweet It!

The old adage—“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”—definitely rings true for social media, as it would in the real world. However, why is it that people still haven’t grasped this concept? With more and more employers screening social media, you would think current and prospective employees would be […]

Social Media Training Shouldn’t Be Ignored

In yesterday’s Advisor, Francine Esposito, Esq., partner at Day Pitney LLP, discussed the challenge of managing employees’ use of social media and the consequences of taking improper actions. Today, Esposito elaborates on a different set of consequences: those that arise from not taking any action at all on the issue of social media.