Tag: Workplace Safety


How to Make Your Safety Moments More Effective

Many of us have probably sat through safety moments at one job or another. These are brief periods of time taken—often at the start of the day or the beginning of a meeting—to discuss some topic related to safety. Experience often shows that some safety moments are less than impactful.


5 Best Practices for Getting Your Compliance Training to Stick

Compliance training is imperative for any organization, as it strives to keep an organization and all its employees safe and secure from physical, psychological, and legal harm. But, let’s face it: Sometimes, compliance training is just boring or hokey. And it can be hard to make it stick with your employees long term.


2 Ways to Tackle the Opioid Epidemic in the Workplace

Since 2012, the number of people dying from drug- or alcohol-related causes while on the job has been growing by at least 25% annually (Bureau of Labor Statistics). And that’s just inside the workplace! According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 116 people died every day in 2016 from an opioid overdose, […]

What’s New in Health and Safety Training 2018?

According to The National Safety Council, work-related injuries and deaths cost society about $142.5 million every year. And while the total number of reported workplace injuries and deaths may be down in recent years, there are still many important things to take note of in the realm of workplace health and safety in 2018.

Best Source of Candidates? Internal—But It’s Not as Easy as It Seems

Internal recruitment has long been a crucial element of filling key roles within organizations. Such internal staff adjustments have a number of benefits; however, despite the benefits, many companies struggle to identify those employees who can and should be moved to a different role, whether laterally to a new function or upward into a position […]


Workplace Safety—Important Differentiator for Small Employers

Small businesses often compete with larger employers for top talent and are understandably interested in identifying key differentiators that can help them attract a steady stream of job candidates. A recent survey by EMPLOYERS, a small business insurance specialist, identified an underutilized factor in attracting employees—a safe work environment.

Increase in Fatalities in the Workplace–Training Needed

Workplace safety is a top priority for any business, particularly those involved in inherently dangerous activities. For office-dwellers, the risk of serious bodily harm or death may seem remote. Even for those engaged in dangerous work, these risks are not always top of mind. However, recent data point to an alarming increase in the number of […]