Tag: Workplace Safety

Violent culture, violent workplaces

Mark I. Schickman The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has reported an increase in work-related gun violence for each of the past 10 years. There were 417 workplace homicides in America in 2015; guns were used in 354 of them. In 2017, the epidemic continues. The workplace reflects the nation: More than 100 people […]

Recommended Training for OSHA’s Antiretaliation Guidelines

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) approach to investigating whistleblower complaints—something it is authorized to do under 22 separate government standards—is very similar to its approach to investigating reports of reported safety and health compliance issues. OSHA strongly recommends proper training for management and workers.

It’s May—Time for the Fourth Annual Fall Prevention Stand-Down!

On May 8-12, OSHA will hold its fourth annual National Fall Prevention Stand-Down. Aimed at raising awareness of fall hazards in the construction industry, OSHA describes the event as “an opportunity for employers to have a conversation with employees about hazards, protective methods, and the company’s safety policies and goals.” Keep reading to find out […]

Confronted by Workplace Violence? Four Key Tips to Remember

Let’s say you have your workplace violence prevention plan in place, and you are conducting the training outlined in your plan. Part of the plan should include strategies for your workers to avoid harm. Here are four key tips to offer your workers should they be confronted with violence at your facility.

Prevent Workplace Violence through Training

All your employees should be trained so that they are aware of the potential security hazards at your facility and the means to protect themselves and coworkers. The training should include your workplace violence and prevention program and the procedures and practices to follow in the event of a violent incident.