Tag: Change


Learn to Innovate, Lead, and Embrace Change

There has been a century of expected compliance by workers to do their jobs a certain way, so we are all expected to keep up! The new model for employee development will be a recognition that each person offers a set of special and different skills that can’t come through compliance with routines and standardized […]


Oprah Winfrey on Learning to Be a Leader

Learning is when you remember the “a-ha” of knowing the truth. The common language we all share is the truth about ourselves. Oprah Winfrey, the global media leader, philanthropist, producer, and actress, gave these and other insights about leadership and talent development in her keynote session at the 2019 ATD International Conference and Exposition in […]


DOL Close to Raising Overtime Threshold

The United States has a very large number of employment and labor laws and regulations. Compliance with these rules can often be a daunting task, especially for smaller businesses without the luxury of a full-time HR or compliance staff.


5 Reasons to Implement a Company Culture Focused on Innovation

Research shows that innovative organizations are more collaborative, flexible, and democratic in their communications. These organizations offer safe spaces and supportive leadership, encourage boundary spanning, embody innovative missions and vision statements, and properly incentivize innovation.


Importance of Leveraging Ancillary Function Staff

In any company, there are certain activities that are core to the mission and purpose of the organization. There also are noncore or ancillary activities that are, essentially, in place to facilitate the smooth and efficient completion of the core functions.


What is Arbitration?

In a previous post, we discussed Google’s recent decision to end forced arbitration for all disputes involving current and future employees, except for disputes that have already been settled. This followed a change late last year that removed the requirement for cases alleging sexual harassment and assault.


6 Policy Principles for AI in Health Care

In a previous post, we discussed the current uses of AI in the healthcare industry, and in a follow-up post, we looked at the first 5 of 11 policy recommendations made by Connected Health in a report titled “Policy Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Health.”