Tag: Compensation

Travel Incentive Competition Boosts Productivity, Retention

At some companies, worthwhile projects fall by the wayside due to lack of sufficient time and resources. Not so at eni, where teams of employees who successfully complete special projects are rewarded with a companywide, all-expenses-paid trip to an exotic location. How It Works The travel incentive program was implemented more than a decade ago […]

Tips for Managing a Reduced Workforce Cutting Corners to ‘Save a Buck’ Can Cost Millions Down the Line

by Warren Nelson and Karl Lindegren, Fisher & Phillips, LLP  In today’s tough economy, employers worldwide have been forced to shed key personnel in order to minimize costs. Companies large and small have reduced their workforce by drastic numbers, many left with no choice but to lay off valued employees. However, in the wake of […]

Outside Compensation Experts and HR: What’s Your Role?

As part of the Human Resources team who has significant compensation expertise, you may be feeling a little, well, left out. The climate around executive compensation is complicated right now, including both increased regulation and increased outrage (not coincidental, by the way). It may have your compensation committee bringing in the big guns—external resources called […]

On-Site Medical Offices, Wellness Initiatives Promote a Culture of Health

W.R. Grace & Co. not only promotes the benefits of wellness to its 5,900 employees globally, the company makes it easy for them to maintain a healthful lifestyle. Accessible Treatment Grace (www.grace.com), a global supplier of catalysts and other products, was recently recognized for a third consecutive year as a Platinum-Level Start! Fit-Friendly Company by […]

A Fresh Look at Death Benefits Processes

It’s something we all know is coming, yet somehow, it is nearly always a surprise. We’re speaking here about one of the two inevitabilities of life, and we don’t mean taxes. When you’re setting up systems and processes for your benefits package, you’re usually ready to process retirements, changes at open enrollment time, and the […]

Healthcare Reform Reaches Retirees

Mention retirement to some people, and you’re likely to see a reaction that can only be described as giddy. They see retirement as a time to relax, travel, spend time with loved ones, or to pursue a long-held dream of a new business or philanthropic pursuit. And if the word retirement brings up these pleasant […]

Relocation Package Defrays Costs for New Hires, Transferring Employees

Amway (www.amway.com), which manufactures, markets, and distributes over 450 consumer products worldwide, offers a “robust” relocation package to new hires, transferring employees, and college interns who live a certain distance away from—and who agree to move within a 25-mile radius of—headquarters in Ada, Michigan, or the company’s other main facility in California. According to Marc […]

Health System Says ‘Simple Is Better,’ Even When Plans Are Complex

If you specialize in employee benefits, it’s a given that you find the topic to be interesting, at least to some degree. It’s equally certain that most of the employees who participate in the plans do not share your enthusiasm. Ever seen that glazed-over look in someone’s eyes when you explain the finer points of […]

Leverage Social Tendencies to Encourage Wellness

“Corporate culture” is a term tossed around a lot. It’s easy to see why a particular corporate culture may be desirable. After all, it is often cited as the reason for low turnover and high participation in certain types of benefits and programs. You know what corporate culture means, even if you may be unable […]