Tag: Feedback Tips

Don’t Fix Weaknesses, Do Leverage Strengths

We falsely think that we are doing our jobs as managers by giving performance feedback—constructive or otherwise—to employees. Not so, according to Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall in their article, “The Feedback Fallacy,” which appeared in the March-April 2019 issue of the Harvard Business Review. Neurons Don’t Lie Feedback focuses employees on their shortcomings. Developmental […]


How to Give Good Feedback on Goals

Do your employees make quarterly or yearly goals? If so, you probably have a system in place whereby you or another employee meets with them to go over their goals. However, these meetings are probably pretty quick—after all, how can you really tell people the goals they set for themselves aren’t a good idea? It’s […]


Acronyms and Employee Performance: List Goes On and On

Acronyms are quick and useful abbreviations that allow us to recall lists, speeches, important facts, or procedures through the use of one word or short phrase. Such shortcuts are common in the world of employment, too, and just as useful. TIPS and tricks Acronyms are one of the oldest tricks in the book when it […]


Tips for Giving Employee Feedback

Giving appropriate feedback to employees can help them meet performance expectations and let them know they’re doing well. This can, in turn, help keep motivation and satisfaction levels up.