Tag: procedures

Humina, Humina, Humina (You on the Witness Stand?)

Don’t terminate without running through this list of hidden problems, says attorney Edward M. Richters. You don’t want to be on the witness stand going “Humina, humina, humina” defending your decision to terminate. Richters comments came at a workplace law symposium sponsored by national employment law firm Jackson Lewis and the Connecticut Business and Industry […]

The Job Stops Here: HR’s Role in Effective Terminations

People who make firing decisions always think they are doing “the righteous thing,” says attorney Edward M. Richters,” but that’s not what counts. How it plays to the judge, the jury, and the EEOC is what counts.” Richters comments came at a workplace law symposium sponsored by national employment law firm Jackson Lewis and the […]

Will You Pay a Penalty Under PPACA?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we offered Michael P. Aitken’s suggestions for employers reeling from the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Today, more of Aitken’s tips, and an introduction to an extraordinary policy development program. Aitken’s advice came during the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) recent annual Conference and Exposition in […]

The 10 Steps to a Bulletproof Investigation

In yesterday’s Advisor, we offered attorney Jennifer Brown Shaw’s suggestions for—and warnings about—internal investigations. Today, Shaw’s 10 steps required for a good investigation, and an introduction to a unique checklist-based audit program. Shaw is a partner in the law firm of Shaw Valenza LLP in Sacramento. Her comments came during the Society for Human Resource […]

Internal Investigations: Don’t Make a Legal Determination

When HR managers do internal investigations, one of the most common mistakes is to wind up the final report with a legal determination, says attorney Jennifer Brown Shaw. “Don’t do that,” she urges. “Just find out and report what happened.” In California, for example, Shaw says, a legal conclusion reached in your investigation report is […]

Penalties for Employers Who Ignore New Health Care Requirements

In yesterday’s Advisor, We covered Michael Aitken’s suggestions for the employee side of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Today, employer responsibilities under the act, plus an introduction to a unique product aimed specifically at the smaller HR department. Aitken’s comments came during the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) recent annual Conference […]


In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered the alcohol-related challenges of company social events; today we’ll examine harassment and injury issues and take a look at a unique program that “writes” your policy for social activities and dozens of other critical HR policies. Sexual Harassment at Social Functions Courts in many states have found that unwanted sexual […]

Picnic, Ballgame, Social Event

There’s nothing like a picnic or a party to boost morale, build teamwork, and reward employees for a job well done. But as with many things HR, there’s a downside: Failure to clarify and enforce policies can lead to unexpected claims, such as claims for workers’ compensation or sexual harassment, or liability. Serving Alcohol The […]

Situations and Actions that Predict Possible Violence

In yesterday’s Advisor, we shared OSHA’s take on workplace violence. Today, tips on spotting potentially violent situations from BLR®‘s 10-Minute HR Trainer. Be Alert to Work Situations that Could Potentially Lead to Violence People may be more likely to go over the edge into violent behavior at work when they: Are fired or laid off […]

Workplace Violence—Steps You Should Take to Prevent It

Workplace violence can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide, one of the leading causes of job-related deaths. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of violence in your workplace. Who Is Vulnerable? According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), some 2 million American workers […]