Tag: procedures

Smart Managers, Dumb Moves

In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered several common legal but stupid actions that managers think are smart. Today, we’ll hit a few more, and we’ll take a look at a unique HR audit system that ferrets out stupid moves before the feds do. (Go here for legal but stupid moves 1 through 3.) 4. Auto-Deducting for […]

Legal, Yes, But Stupid

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and that goes for many managers who think they know all about employment law. Unfortunately, there are a lot of actions that may be technically legal, but practically stupid. Here are some of management’s favorite legal but stupid actions: 1. Firing At-Will Employees for No Reason […]

Sued? Here’s the Worst Thing You Can Do

In yesterday’s Advisor, we gave you the first 6 of 10 steps to take if you are sued. Today, we’ll find four more critical actions you must take, and we’ll take a look at a unique HR problem solver. Here, again courtesy of the Employer Resource Institute®, are "We’ve been sued!" tips 7 through 10. […]

What to Do When You Are Sued—10 Immediate Actions

Even if you follow all the best advice for avoiding lawsuits, eventually you’re going to get sued. The actions you take the instant you know about a suit can spell the difference between a quick, inexpensive resolution and a prolonged, expensive one. Here are the 10 most important things to do when you first learn […]

300% ROI for Weight Loss Programs?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we discussed the CDC’s strategies for dealing with obesity. Today we continue that discussion, and we take a look at a unique wellness guide that could get you a 300% return on your investment. Of course, it’s not easy for most people to diet and lose weight, and then keep it off. […]

Obesity Epidemic in Your Workplace? CDC Can Help

There’s an "obesity epidemic" in the U.S., and that means there’s probably one at your workplace, too. Obesity is a natural target for wellness programs. The effects of obesity—from cardiac problems to diabetes—are dire, but they are reversible through exercise, diet, and nutrition. What works best to reduce obesity? The Centers for Disease Control and […]

2 Reasons Why You Must Do Exit Interviews

In yesterday’s Advisor, our experts recommended an exit interview for every separating employee. Today we’ll look at two reasons why exit interviews are important from a legal standpoint, and we’ll take a look at an extraordinary program that will help you generate an exit interview protocol and dozens of other critical HR policies. A well-thought-out […]

Shabby Treatment at Termination Begs for a Lawsuit

The way you treat the people you terminate can make the difference between an ex-employee who is upset but moving on, and an ex-employee who is angry and calling 1-800-LAWYER. Lin Grensing-Pophal, writing in Human Resource Executive, cited several tales that highlight what disgruntled employees might do: One made a false accusation of harassment that […]

Employee Pregnancy—Recognize, Don’t Patronize

When employees become pregnant, everyone wants to be understanding and protective, but it’s easy for “protective” and “caring” to turn into “discrimination” in court. The general rule is, a woman affected by pregnancy must be treated the same as other applicants and employees on the basis of their ability or inability to work. Employees with […]

Your EQ and HR IQ for 2010

In yesterday’s Advisor, we looked at self-awareness aspects of Emotional Intelligence or EQ. Today, again courtesy of Travis Bradbury and Jean Greaves, we’ll explore some of EQ’s social awareness strategies, and we’ll also talk about building your HR IQ for 2010. Bradberry and Greaves  are co-founders of TalentSmart®, a leading provider of emotional intelligence tests […]