SHRM 2022 Recap: HR’s New Role in the World of Work

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) hosted its annual conference and expo in New Orleans June 12–15. HR professionals, executives, managers, and students gathered from all over the country to connect and learn together. Over 200 sessions provided expert industry insight on recruiting, career growth, HR technology, diversity and inclusion strategies, leadership skills, and […]

Top HR Conferences of 2021: In-Person Events

As a HR professional, it is important to keep your ear to the pulse of the industry, grow, and learn new skills and best practices. But for many of us, it’s been more than a year since we’ve attended an in-person conference or event. Which are still taking place this year and where? We’ve done […]

Questions HR Needs to Ask When Buying HR Software

Miranda was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest, listen to that here. When you hit the market for HR software, it can be an overwhelming process. There are at least hundreds of solutions, many that specialize in one or two specific aspects of HR but then tag on all kinds of additional functionality. Wouldn’t […]

HR Professional Shares Expert Tips for Building an HR Team

Whatever the current circumstances may be, recruiting will always have challenges. Those include making sure the person you are interviewing will work out; making room for nerves; and, of course, knowing when to hire for skills and when to hire someone you will help grow. I recently spoke with an HR professional who, like many, […]

Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, but Maybe Volunteering Does

According to a recent study, 27% of U.S. travelers are planning to volunteer on a trip this year. Volunteerism, thankfully, is becoming a stronger trend, and in the case of potential employees in the Millennial generation, who, as a group, highly value volunteerism, it’s important to recognize this need in a benefits program. In fact, companies […]

What You Can Learn from the Blue-Collar Gig Economy

The U.S. unemployment rate is at its lowest in years, and there’s a growing demand for blue-collar workers, with many workers turning to gig opportunities—a sector that is booming right now. Rather than freelance work and creative services—like white-collar gig work—blue-collar gig work focuses on labor, manufacturing, warehouse, and delivery jobs and is often temporary.


4 Reasons Why HR Leaders Need to Focus on Onboarding

Employee engagement is the most important component to every company’s success. You can have a killer business plan, but if you don’t have innovators who are willing to get the work done, your business is going to fail. How do you counteract this? The answer is by having Human Resources (HR) develop a rock-solid employee onboarding process that will engage employees, starting with the interview process.

The Best Health Benefits Will Keep the Best Employees in Your Ranks

With a tightening labor force and the unemployment rate at a mere 3.7%, employers are chasing the talent—not the other way around. Not only that, but it’s getting more difficult to keep the most capable workers around. Since 2015, there have been more job openings than new hires, which means unhappy employees have more opportunities […]


Men in the Workplace and #MeToo

One-third of the more than 1,000 executives surveyed recently, consisting mostly of men, said that they’ve adjusted their behaviors at work to avoid what could be perceived as sexual harassment in the wake of the #MeToo movement.