Tag: Unions

Don’t forget Form LM-10 reporting deadline

by Kevin J. Skelly Every year, employers must publicly report specific transactions or arrangements relating to unionization or the threat of unionization. The report must be made within 90 days after the end of the employer’s fiscal year. For employers whose fiscal years coincide with the calendar year, the reporting deadline will be at the […]

Lessons learned from NHL lockout

By Brian P. Smeenk Canadians love hockey like Americans love football or baseball. Maybe more. So the lockout of the players by the league’s owners has left a lot of Canadian hockey fans in withdrawal. It’s also led to much more reporting about labor negotiations than we would normally see in the media.

NLRB ruling ends proemployer automatic exemption

A recent ruling from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) means employers are no longer automatically exempted when unions ask them to turn over witness statements related to employee discipline. Now, the employer’s confidentiality interest must be balanced with the union’s need for information. The American Baptist Homes of the West d/b/a Piedmont Gardens case […]

Right to work and how it will work in Michigan

by Gary Fealk On December 11, Michigan passed Senate Bill 116, commonly known as the right-to-work law. In accordance with the Michigan Constitution (Article IV, Section 27), the law will go into effect 90 days after the end of the legislative session. Under the law, an individual cannot be required to do any of the […]

Michigan now a right-to-work state

Long a union stronghold, Michigan has become the latest state to pass right-to-work legislation. The fight, though, likely will rage on. State legislators on December 11 approved legislation that prohibits workplaces from requiring all employees to pay all union dues. The legislation was pushed by the Republican majority in the state legislature. On Tuesday afternoon, […]

Michigan to vote on employment initiatives

Michigan voters will decide the fate of two initiatives in the November 6 election that can change the climate toward collective bargaining and union organization in the state. One initiative–Proposal 2, dubbed the “Protect our Jobs” proposal–is a union-backed measure asking voters to pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing workers the right to bargain collectively. If […]

Walker to appeal lower court ruling against Wisconsin law restricting union rights

by Timothy Edwards In what may likely be a temporary victory for public unions in the state of Wisconsin, a Dane County judge declared that Governor Scott Walker’s restrictions to the collective bargaining rights of specific government employees (Act 10) are unconstitutional. The court’s decision is not the last word on this politically charged topic. […]

NLRB Adopts Controversial Election Procedures Rule

On December 21, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced the adoption of a final rule that is expected to allow quicker union representation elections. The rule was published in the Federal Register on December 22. The rule, which is to take effect on April 30, 2012, is a scaled down version of amendments proposed […]

Nonunionized Employers Need to Pay Attention to NLRB (Video)

The days when only unionized employers needed to worry about the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) are over, said attorney Charlie Plumb during his presentation at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium (AEIS) in Nashville. Employers should be concerned about two big changes happening in the NLRB and with labor unions that Plumb believes will become […]