Tag: wages


DOL Tip Pool Regs Can Stand, Split Appellate Court Says

By Kate McGovern Tornone, Editor The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) limits on tip pools are valid, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals—which covers Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington—reaffirmed September 6, denying a request for it to reconsider its opinion on the issue.

IRS Announces Special Per Diems, High-Cost Locales for FY 2017

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) updated its special per diem rates for the transportation industry, incidental expenses, and the “high-low” substantiation method. These rates, announced September 26 in Notice 2016-58, apply to allowances paid to employees on or after October 1 for travel on or after that date.


Employee or Trainee? Florida Employer Learns the Difference

By Tom Harper, The Law and Mediation Offices of G. Thomas Harper, LLC Imagine you have a worker who is nearing retirement. His son agrees to learn the position in anticipation of taking over when his father retires. You don’t pay the worker’s son, even though he performs some work for you. Is the worker’s […]

Tips for Making Changes Ahead of the New Overtime Rule

As of December 1, 2016, the changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime exemptions will go into effect. The main change facing employers is the salary level required for an employee to be considered exempt. Previously, the minimum salary required to meet the exemption requirements for most white-collar exemptions was $455 per week. […]

New Compensation Reporting Requirements Begin March 2018

By Kate McGovern Tornone, Editor Beginning in March 2018, employers will have to include compensation information on their EEO-1 filings. While the report was previously used by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to look for various types of discrimination, it now also will be used to look for pay discrimination.