Tag: wages

Asking Salary History May Soon Be a Thing of the Past

Does your organization routinely ask applicant salary history during the recruiting process? If so, you’ll want to pay close attention to some upcoming legislation that could change all of that. There’s a proposed bill coming before Congress that would make asking salary history illegal.

FMLA Implications of the New FLSA Overtime Rule

By Peter Susser and George Wood, Littler Mendelson, P.C. You have spent weeks agonizing over the Department of Labor’s (DOL) new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rule, ultimately determining that you will need to move a number of employees from exempt to nonexempt status to remain complaint. Feeling good about your work, you kick […]

Ignoring Employee’s Overtime Won’t Make It Go Away

By Kate McGovern Tornone, Editor When an employee works overtime, an employer can’t ignore those hours. Even if an employee fails to report the hours, an employer may be liable for back pay and damages if it “should have known” the employee was working overtime, a recent case illustrates.


House Approves 6-Month Delay of Overtime Rule

By Kate McGovern Tornone, Editor The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill September 28 that would delay new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime regulations by 6 months; a similar bill was introduced in the Senate the same day. Experts, however, say employers shouldn’t expect a reprieve.

Contractor Minimum Wage Increasing to $10.20

Federal contractors and subcontractors must pay their employees at least $10.20 per hour beginning January 1, an increase of 5 cents over the 2016 wage. Tipped workers, however, will receive almost a $1.00 increase, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced September 20 in the Federal Register.

States, Business Groups File Suits to Halt DOL Overtime Rule

By Kate McGovern Tornone, Editor Twenty-one states and several employer interest groups filed lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) September 20, alleging that the agency’s new overtime regulations exceed its authority. The suits, however, are not expected to have any success in the near future and employers would be well-served to be in […]

joint employer

Ask the Expert: Can Exemption Salary Threshold Be Met Between Two Employers?

We have an employee who works for two different companies with separate EINs (Employee Identification Numbers) but under common management–i.e. the same parent company–for insurance purposes. Can a combination of both salaries the employee earns be used to meet the exemption salary threshold requirements under the new overtime rule?  The employee earns $30k at each […]

time card

Employees Think Traditional 9-To-5 Is A Thing of the Past, Says Survey

A typical work day historically involved 8 consecutive hours of effort for full-time workers, but today, most don’t stop working when the clock hits 5 p.m. According to a new survey from CareerBuilder, nearly three in five workers (59%) believe the traditional 9-to-5 work day is a thing of the past. Forty-five percent of workers […]