The U.S. Department of
Labor (DOL) has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Central District
of California, charging that Gardena-based Southern California Maid Services
and Carpet Cleaning violated federal minimum wage, overtime pay, and
recordkeeping requirements. The lawsuit, which grew out of a DOL investigation,
seeks more than $1.8 million in unpaid back wages for approximately 386
employees. The DOL’s
launched the investigation when it got wind of employees’ wage and hour
complaints against the company through the Employment Education and Outreach
partnership, an alliance of organizations and government agencies that assists
Spanish-speaking workers and employers with work-related concerns.
The HR Management & Compliance Report: How To Comply with California Wage & Hour Law, explains everything you need to know to stay in compliance with the state’s complex and ever-changing rules, laws, and regulations in this area. Coverage on bonuses, meal and rest breaks, overtime, alternative workweeks, final paychecks, and more.