Category: EntertainHR

Posts focus on what not to do in the workplace, based on examples from television, film, and other popular media.

That’s What She Said

When the pandemic hit last year and turned the world upside down, I found myself searching for solace and a much-needed laugh in the form of my favorite show of all time, The Office. Apparently, I’m not alone. According to Nielsen, Americans streamed over 57 billion minutes of The Office on Netflix in 2020, far […]

Wilson et al. v. The Avengers as Successor to Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division

I have two teenage sons, so I’ve watched all that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to offer. (“Sure, blame it on the kids, dork.” “Shut up, Internal Monologue—this doesn’t concern you.”) This spring, Marvel rolled out its latest offering, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, featuring Falcon (“Sam Wilson,” played by Anthony Mackie) and Bucky Barnes (formerly the […]

cruella dalmations

Cruella at Work: How to Eradicate Toxic Managers from Your Business

With the Memorial Day holiday weekend came the release of Disney’s next sure-to-be blockbuster movie, Cruella. Based on the classic animated film 101 Dalmatians, Cruella tells the story of Cruella de Vil, the evil puppy-stealing psychopath who uses the animals’ fur for her over-the-top, sartorial splendor. She’s deranged, she’s unapologetically wicked, and she’s the villain […]

Amazon’s The Expanse Raises Issues Concerning Workplace Romances

Note: Includes spoilers for Amazon Prime’s The Expanse. I am an unabashed science fiction nerd. Growing up, I tended to gravitate toward television shows, movies, and books that took place in our own future as opposed to those that were set a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


My Love: Netflix Documentary Series Spotlights Family Farm’s Labor of Love

The new Netflix documentary series My Love celebrates the heartwarming stories of six longtime couples across the globe. The first episode focuses on David and Ginger Isham, who have been happily married since 1959. It turns out that their love for each other is just as sweet as the maple syrup cultivated at their family […]

company culture

2021: A Progress Report

My last contribution to this blog happened to be the first post of 2021. I titled it “Welcome, 2021. Let’s Talk …” and offered up some lighthearted suggestions for how the new year could improve on 2020’s nightmarish experience. One “suggestion” I gave to our new year was the following:

The New Captain America

On the heels of WandaVision, Disney’s much-anticipated (and, post-Episode 3, thoroughly entertaining) Avengers Endgame follow-up, comes Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I am thrilled to see the original Captain America’s (Steve, played by Chris Evans) besties holding their own as lead actors in their own show.


Don’t Let Unreasonable Expectations Doom Your Workplace Like It Almost Did to WandaVision

It’s official. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has successfully expanded to television.  While Marvel has had previous forays into this medium (including Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and various shows on Netflix), WandaVision was Marvel’s first television show explicitly interconnected with the happenings of the MCU, which previously was only portrayed in feature films. And while the […]

Britain’s Harry and Meghan Dish the Dirt to Oprah: Tips for Handling Trash-Talking Ex-Employees

Blimey! Apparently, the British royals have their knickers in a twist over Prince Harry and Princess Meghan’s recent television interview with Oprah. The news of the interview has caused quite the kerfuffle across the pond, as the Sussexes revealed shocking royal secrets. Royal aides, who deem Harry and Meghan’s swipes a load of codswallop, hit […]