Category: Infographics

This topic includes any graphical representations of research, best practices, and other HR related content.

10 Skills You’ll Need to Thrive in 2020

Much like how the ancestors learned how to grow food after spending many years hunting animals to eat, the dawn of a new industrial age is motivating the world to learn the new skills of the future to thrive.

Infographic: Clean Workplaces Are More Productive

How does the cleanliness of a work space affect workers? That’s a question that Cleaning Services Group recently tackled. The following infographic explores a correlation between cleaner offices and productivity.

Where Can the Happiest Workers in the United States Be Found?

Recent research conducted by Sokanu aimed to answer a simple question: who are the happiest workers in the United States? We’ll give you a hint—the top two are not part of the contiguous states. That’s right, Hawaii and Alaska took the number one and number two spots respectively. Want to find out how everyone else […]

performance review perspectives

Performance Review Infographic: How Gender, Age and Status Impact Employee Perspectives

A new study by BambooHR has revealed some differences between the way employees view the performance review process depending on their gender, generation and job level. As reflected in their infographic below, BambooHR found that “different subsets of employees have very different views on what good feedback, recognition and rewards really are.” As such, HR […]

Holiday Infographic: Where Are the Happiest (and Most Stressed) Workers?

According to a new survey by Accountemps, a slight majority of office professionals—51%—report they are more cheerful during the holiday season. However, 35% report that they are more stressed during this time. Accountemps sought to identify which cities had employees who reported to be happiest during the holidays—and which identified themselves as the most stressed […]

Infographic: Are You Unwittingly Stifling Employee Innovation?

Two new surveys paint a picture of the importance of—and actual state of—workplace innovation.  In one survey, Robert Half found that 87% of job seekers regard a potential employer’s reputation for being innovative as an important consideration. However, a second survey of CFOs shows that many company’s not only aren’t as innovative as they could […]