Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Job Descriptions–Your First Line of Defense

In the last issue of the Advisor, we covered methodology and appraisal in layoffs. Today, we look at the role of job descriptions–and at a surprising new job description development and storage system. If anyone questions your selections for layoff (and yes, someone is going to question them), and you considered skills and priorities for […]

Interview Etiquette–Shud U B Concerned? R U at Fault?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we shared results from a recent Vault survey on recruiter and applicant etiquette. Today, questions about actions after the interview, and a look at a training system to help your supervisors with interviewing and other critical skills. Here are some additional responses to Vault’s 2008 Interview Etiquette Survey: Question for recruiters: How […]

Thx for the Iview! I Wud Luv to Work 4 U!! ;)

“Thx for the Iview! I Wud [Luv] to Work 4 U!! ;)” read a recent Wall Street Journal headline. Does that sound like the thank-you letters you’re getting after an interview? What’s happened to interview etiquette? Today’s applicants, fresh from the Facebook, MySpace, and incessant texting world of Gen Y, are scoring few points with […]

DO Check Google and MySpace / DON’T Check Google and MySpace

What do you do when the experts’ advice conflicts? Some experts say run Google searches on every candidate and don’t forget their MySpace and Facebook pages. Others say, stay away, you don’t want that information. So should you surf or not? It’s annoying when the experts don’t agree, but it doesn’t mean you’re paralyzed. Here […]

Attracting–and Compensating–the Coveted ‘Passive’ Candidates

In yesterday’s issue, we talked about “passive” candidates—the supposedly great candidates that aren’t actively seeking a job change. Today, suggestions for approaching them and a tool to help with compensation when you hire them. Heather Hamilton, a staffing manager and Microsoft Employee Evangelist, shares her tips for attracting “passive” candidates on her One Louder blog: […]

Recruiting Gurus: It’s the Year of the Passive Candidate

When HR managers at the recent SHRM conference in Chicago were asked what their most challenging problem is, virtually all responded, “Finding and keeping good people.” How can you locate and hold on to top performers in a tricky economy with a diminishing number of qualified candidates? Many experts suggest that so-called “passive” candidates are […]

Make Job Descriptions Do More than Describe a Job

Reviewing our records recently, we found a provocative article on job descriptions by Shelburne, Vermont, consultant Scott Delman, author of “How to Mean Business, Water Cooler Wisdom” and other books. Good things bear repeating … and sharing. So let’s share some of his thoughts with you now. Job descriptions are all too frequently written like […]

Rent a Geezer: The "FlexGeneration" Is Here

Enough of Gen X and Gen Y—now we’ve got FlexGenerationSM. This new category includes mid-career execs who want more flexibility or more varied experiences, and those at retirement age who want fulfilling work. They wan to fill emerging gaps in your workforce—but only on their terms. How do you match up those eager flexers with […]

Cyberslander: 6 Ways HR Can Contain It

Yesterday’s Advisor  briefed us on the challenges of cyberslander. Today, recommendations for dealing with it, and a new technological solution to a far older HR problem … writing job descriptions. Here are Attorney Matthew S. Effland’s tips for identifying and managing cyberslander. Effland, an associate at Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., in Indianapolis, […]