Tag: applicant tracking

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Personalizing the Talent Acquisition Process

Communication never goes out of style when it comes to talent acquisition. Unfortunately, companies and their recruiters, HR staff, and managers don’t always communicate with candidates well—or often enough. Are Humans Viewing Applications? In fact, a new Job Search Behavior report from MyPerfectResume indicates that about 60%—more than half—of job seekers believe their applications are […]


How Recruiters Can Stay Active in a Hiring Freeze

In precarious periods such as the one we are experiencing with COVID-19, job security and opportunities become scarce. While some companies continue to search for and acquire new talent, most have halted their recruiting efforts for the time being. Even tech giants like Google will be reducing their hiring for the remainder of 2020. Like […]

Top 10 Best Practices in HR Management for 2013

Every year, BLR’s HR editors select ten key topics we think will be at the forefront in the following year, and we offer best practices for each topic. This year, we will feature free best practice reports under each category. Simply click on the links below to download the featured reports. More reports will be […]