Tag: Best Practices

BLR Launches Professional Development Network for Hospitality Industry HR Leaders

BLR® – Business & Legal Resources, a leading provider of employment law compliance and training solutions for HR, has launched a new professional network called HR Executive Roundtable | Hospitality. HR Executive Roundtable | Hospitality facilitates the sharing of ideas, best practices, benchmarking data, experiences, and cost-saving ideas among senior Human Resources leaders in restaurant, […]

Building Your Employee Talent Pool—Best Practices

Building a recruitment strategy that can meet the ups and downs of everyday business in a volatile economy is a tough challenge. To compound matters, you are not alone in your quest for the best employees.  Even companies that are not currently hiring are actively building their talent communities and their candidate pools in preparation […]

Train New Leaders to Use These 7 Strategies

“There’s a lot of onboarding going on and not so much extensive assimilation coaching,” says Diane Egbers, president of Leadership Excelleration, Inc., (LEI Consulting) (www.leadershipexcelleration.com). She is also a coauthor of The Ascending Leader: Conquer the Seven Enemies of Success—A Strategic Guide for the Newly Promoted (Smart Business Network, 2013). Onboarding and orientation address the […]

Train Your Workers on These Ergonomic Best Practices

Professional ergonomist Kevin Butler recently penned an article on our sister site, HR.BLR.com®, regarding the latest up-to-date information on how employees can improve well-being in their workspaces. Click the “yesterday’s Advisor” link in the first paragraph for the first half of Butler’s advice. Here are the last three ergonomic tips from Butler: 3. Sitting up […]

5 More Leadership Lessons for Your Leaders

According to Matt Tenney, author of Serve to Be Great: Leadership Lessons from a Prison, a Monastery, and a Boardroom (Wiley, May 2014), when managers develop both the aspiration and the ability to more effectively serve and care for the people on their teams, these managers can become leaders people actually want to follow. Let’s […]

Unclaimed Wages: The Due Diligence Requirement

Did you know that unclaimed wages must be turned over to the state? There are unclaimed property laws in each state requiring employers to report on unclaimed wages and eventually turn them over to the state after a period of dormancy if they remain unclaimed.

6 Best Practices Regarding Pregnant and New Mom Employees

Virtually every employer is going to deal with pregnant employees from time to time. Employers want to act in good faith and stay in compliance not only with the ADA and FMLA, but also with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). PDA is an amendment to Title VII which specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of […]

What to Include in Orientation Training

In a BLR webinar titled Interviewing, Hiring, and Onboarding: Best Practices for Landing Cream-of-the-Crop Employees (and Weeding Out the Duds), Sharon P. Margello, Esq., partner in the nationwide law firm Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., described some of the information to convey to new hires regarding work schedules, including: Starting and ending times […]

How to Set Hard Goals for Soft Objectives

Some goals are easily measured, but some, like adhering to company values, are harder to measure, says expert Dr. B. Lynn Ware. Values are an important part of the company culture, but how can you make the measurement of values concrete, quantifiable, and qualitative? For example, says Ware, take a public relations agency that wants […]

Best Practices in Training: It’s Personal

Training has been a priority for McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., throughout its 150-year history. In fact, the commercial construction company states on its website that “learning is at the core of everything we do.” McCarthy was recently recognized for its training efforts as a Training magazine Top 125 Best Practice Award recipient for the fourth […]