Tag: Best Practices

4 More Best Practices for Safety Training

To reiterate: Training is a vital part of your safety program, it may be required by specific standards that apply to your workplace, and it can provide a natural environment for communication between management and employees about safety and health issues. But not all safety training will accomplish these ends. Badly planned, poorly executed training […]

Could You Use 9 Best Practices for Your Safety Training?

Training is a vital part of your safety program, it may be required by specific standards that apply to your workplace, and it can provide a natural environment for communication between management and employees about safety and health issues. But not all safety training will accomplish these ends. Badly planned, poorly executed training may do […]

Best Practices in Workforce Training and Development

From day one of employment, associates at Capital One Financial Corporation have access to a variety of award-winning training and development opportunities. Capital One (www.capitalone.com), a McLean, Virginia-based financial holding company, was recently named to FORTUNE magazine’s list of “100 Best Companies to Work For” and Training magazine’s Training Top 125. Both magazines honored Capital […]

Best Practices in Training: Wellness Coaching That Works!

In a pilot project over a 12-month period, more than half of participants in a pilot program sponsored by Onlife Health, a national health and wellness company, and Government Employees Health Association (GEHA), a national health plan for federal employees, lowered their blood pressure through education, coaching, and monitoring. Onlife coaches worked with GEHA members […]

Train Your Employees in Business Ethics

Here’s a useful training exercise you can use to get your ethics training off to an interactive start. The objective of the exercise is to examine key issues involved in business ethics. Ask trainees to complete the worksheet below. Then use the answers provided in the “Guidance” section to discuss the results as a group […]

Best Practices in HR—2016

Every year, the HR Daily Advisor staff and BLR’s HR attorney specialists pick the top best practices of the year. What’s hot in 2016? Take a look. See if you think we’re getting it right. Plus, keep an eye on this space as we add more 2016 Best Practices, featuring free in-depth reports for you […]

Train Employees to Lead Teams with Positive Actions

Kevin Sensenig, PhD, RODP, and global brand champion for Dale Carnegie & Associates (www.dalecarnegie.com ), Hauppauge, New York, works most often with HR professionals. His points, however, can be given to any employees whom you have identified as having leadership potential. Train these promising employees to be positive coaches and team leaders. Sensenig notes that […]

Technology’s Effect on Corporate Training

The training question is: “How is technology changing corporate training, and what do trainers need to keep in mind in light of that?” Here is how an expert responded: The primary way that technology is changing training is that “it’s disaggregating content,” says Karl Kapp (www.karlkapp.com), Assistant Director of Bloomsburg University’s Institute for Interactive Technologies, […]

5 Reasons to Embrace Pay-For-Performance

Pay-for-performance is fast becoming the new normal. We are seeing it in use by more and more companies to get the most out of the reduced compensation budgets we’ve had in recent years. “Everything in our daily lives is more performance-based than it ever has been in the past. In many professions, performance pay has […]

Train Employees to Avoid These 3 Leadership Mistakes

Leadership expert John Hamm, author of Unusually Excellent: The Necessary Nine Skills Required for the Practice of Great Leadership (Jossey-Bass/A Wiley Imprint, February 2011, www.unusuallyexcellent.com), has spent his career studying the practitioners of unusually excellent leadership via his work as a CEO, venture capitalist, board member, high-level consultant, and professor of leadership at the Leavey […]