Tag: employee satisfaction

How to Set Human Resources Goals You’ll Actually Stick To

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: goal-setting time! Some HR professionals are eagerly whipping out their notepads and pens, ready to make some spreadsheets and crunch some numbers for projections. Their coffee is hot, and their to-do list is waiting. Yearly, quarterly, weekly—goals are their bread and butter. But some HR professionals are […]

How to Reimagine Employee Retention

Employees are the secret ingredient to organizational success, yet companies are struggling to keep them. In recent years, millions of Americans have been quitting their jobs—a trend dubbed the Great Resignation. Last October alone, a grand total of 4 million Americans jumped ship. That’s nearly three percent of the overall workforce. Tech workers are even […]

Speaking the Language of Your CEO

It’s no secret there’s sometimes a significant disconnection between the CEO (and C-suite) and HR leaders in many organizations. While HR is focused on ensuring a positive and supportive culture and boosting employee engagement, CEOs are much more focused on the bottom line and often have a hard time understanding and supporting HR initiatives that, […]

The Elusiveness of L&D ROI

One of the biggest challenges learning and development (L&D) professionals face is showing management there was a return on their investment (ROI). Sure, good L&D teams can point to concrete and important achievements like fewer accidents and higher scores on employee satisfaction surveys. But at the end of the day, companies are in business to […]


How Employers Can Prepare as Union Organizing Rises

The overall percentage of private sector unionization dipped slightly (by .2%) in 2022, but labor unions made strides in organizing new workers. In 2022, unions won more elections to represent private sector employees than in any year since 2005. They also won a record-high 76% of all elections held, buoyed by numerous victories in the […]

12 Metrics Every HR Professional Should Track

Metrics have always been an important part of HR, but to many HR professionals, 2022 was the year they became essential. In an incredibly tough job market, a political landscape where everything felt flipped upside down, and a rocky economy, companies were desperate to hold onto their employees as priorities shifted and workers made drastic […]

5 Aspects of Climate Quitting Every Business Needs to Know

Employees are leaving companies that don’t align with their environment, social, and governance (ESG) standards. Quitting because of employers’ inaction or misaligned commitments is growing in popularity, hence the term “climate quitting.” Although it may seem counterproductive to resign from a job, it’s a way people set boundaries and stand up for going green. Here’s […]

Employee Satisfaction Is the Key to Improving Productivity

The “Great Resignation” is far from over. In fact, it appears to be heating up. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the percentage of unemployed Americans who voluntarily left their jobs and immediately began looking for new ones increased to 15.9% last month. This is the highest share of “job leavers” in more than […]

Covid-19 Compliance: Consider Your Employees

HR is a complex and ever-changing field. Professionals constantly need to ensure their organizations are following local and national laws and regulations. Especially during a pandemic, businesses regularly find themselves having to adapt to change.


Benefits to Employers of Remote Work

As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on and looks to continue well into 2021, employers and employees are getting used to remote work arrangements, at least in workplaces and industries where they’re feasible.