Solving an FMLA Mystery, Finally!

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) became the law in 1993. That’s more than 30 years ago. You’d think all questions about it would have been answered years ago by all federal appeals courts. But trust me, that’s not how the law works! A 2024 case from one of the largest appeals courts in […]


Ask an Expert: February 2025 Q&A Roundup

Q        Our company employs EMTs, nurses, nurse practitioners, and doctors to provide on-site medical care at locations like construction sites, infrastructure projects, and manufacturing plants. They may not always have another assignment right away but are usually interested in future assignments with the company. In terms of payroll, to avoid repeated extensive onboarding, should we lay […]

Continuing Insurance Coverage Through FMLA, Extended Leaves, and Terminations

As many employers discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most complex components of leave can be whether an employee’s health insurance is continued throughout the leave or whether, according to the health insurance contract, it ends if an employee doesn’t meet certain minimum weekly hours worked. Issues of this type can occur during […]

Paternity Leave Matters: How U.S. Dads Are Missing Out and Why Change Is Needed

As we continue to strive for gender equality in the United States, in the case of parental leave, men are falling behind. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), only 32% of U.S. companies offer paid paternity leave, and the process for establishing paternity leave varies by state. Florida has no state-specific law […]

Ask the Expert: Could Bereavement Leave Be Covered by the FMLA?

Question: An employee who has been approved for intermittent Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave to care for his mother is asking for two days off to bring his mother to his cousin’s funeral in another state. Would this also be covered under the FMLA? Answer: The employee may be covered under their FMLA […]

Bar the door: Actionable Tips for Defending FMLA Claims

Good timing can mean the difference between success and failure, and waiting too late can cost you—as a transit employee discovered the hard way. Although this case comes from a different state, it’s still helpful when defending Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) claims in Texas. Chronic Serious Health Condition As a threshold matter under […]

Ask the Expert: How Far Does the FMLA’s Reach Extend When It Comes to Family Members?

Question: We have an employee who took four days off to tend to his daughter in the hospital after she received a C-section and another who wants to take three weeks off to assist her sibling going through chemotherapy. Would the absences in both scenarios fall under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Answer: […]


Federal Law Requires Employers to Provide Pregnancy-Related Leave

We occasionally hear from clients asking if their employees have to be employed for 12 months and work 1,250 hours to qualify for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) or if they qualify as soon as they begin employment. The question appears to conflate aspects of the PWFA with a similar but distinct federal labor […]

Ask the Expert: Are Absences Related to Fertility Treatment Covered by the FMLA?

Question: We have an employee who is undergoing fertility treatments out of town and misses days sporadically. Do these absences fall under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Answer: Great question; complicated answer. The answer is complicated because a question about FMLA leave is always the start of a longer conversation about whether other […]

Ask the Expert: What Should Employers Do When Doubting an Employee’s FMLA Eligibility?

Question: What can employers do when they doubt an employee’s certification for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Answer: If an employer doubts the validity of an employee’s FMLA certification, it may require the employee to get a second opinion from a healthcare provider. Generally, for employees to be granted leave under […]