Tag: hr management

How to Deal with the Narcissist at Work

Chances are you have encountered a narcissistic coworker or boss at some point in your career. This is a person who constantly shifts attention back to himself or herself, discounts your ideas to present his or her own, or is continually name-dropping or bragging about his or her credentials to impress people.   Toxic and dysfunctional […]


How HR Teams Can Prepare for the Remote Work Boom

The way employees work continues to morph as a result of COVID-19, and it appears the remote workforce is here to stay. However, most HR departments haven’t adjusted to this uptick in remote work. With more and more employees working across state and international borders, this workforce trend is poised to set off a multitude […]

COVID Vaccines: When is Employee’s Vaccination Status HIPAA-protected?

Whether an employee’s COVID-19 vaccination status is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has been (or should be) on the minds of all HR personnel as of late. That’s especially true as we await the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) impending rule that will likely require employers with 100 or more employees […]

The Introvert Advantage to Remote Work

The ability to work remotely was a coveted fantasy of millions of workers for years before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the hands of employers around the world and made it a reality. Previously in-office workers often dreamed of working from bed in their pajamas or possibly even an Italian villa or tropical beach and without […]


Scary Court Decision for Employers Creating Copyrighted Content

The creator of the original screenplay for the horror movie “Friday the 13th” could terminate his copyright grant and reclaim it, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals (which covers New York) recently decided. The outcome turned on the screenwriter’s employment status. If your business creates copyrighted material, read on to understand how the decision […]

Remote Work and Moonlighting

One of the top concerns for managers with respect to widespread remote work was that employee productivity would suffer, in part due to the related concern that the ability of managers to oversee subordinates would be diminished if they weren’t physically in the same location. By and large, however, companies have found that productivity hasn’t […]


3 Ways Managers Can Help Emerging Talent Succeed in the Workplace

In the world of work, your emerging talent—those with less than 5 years of work experience—is the future of your organization. And in an era of record turnover, global turmoil, and a constant shift in the way we work, fostering the growth of that young talent to ensure they succeed is as important to the […]

Employers of Tipped Workers Advised to Be Ready for More Recordkeeping

Employers that take advantage of the “tip credit” will have to monitor and document their tipped employees’ tasks much more closely than they have in the past under a new rule from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The new rule, which takes effect December 28, says employers may take a tip credit only for […]

Thinking Small: How to Make Budgets Work in the Face of Uncertainty

As companies adapt to an increasingly unpredictable business environment, one thing is certain: The present and the future of work are undoubtedly digital. This reality presents both challenges and opportunities for organizations ready to adapt. Whether empowering hybrid workers to communicate and collaborate from anywhere in the world or managing spending across novel budget categories, […]


Soft Skills in High Demand

Soft skills are related to how individuals act, interact, react, and more and are often considered components of one’s personality. However, they can be learned or improved upon, though doing so isn’t as simple as with hard skills, and include things like resilience, communication, emotional intelligence, and more. Employers have always looked for soft skills […]