Tag: BLR

Remember the Titans to Build a Cohesive Team

Recently, at a company luncheon, I was asked about my favorite movie. Ask about the business and I’m quick with an answer. But the question about my favorite movie was nearly a stumper. I scrambled to come up with something and ultimately came up with a reply, but really wasn’t satisfied with my response. Well, […]

Promotions, Execution, and Carve-Outs Under Big Bang Theory

Hellerman and Kochanski, who are Sr. Vice Presidents at Sibson Consulting, offered their tips at WorldatWork’s Total Rewards Conference and Exhibition, held recently in San Diego. Promotions as Performance Reward Big Bang Companies manage promotions and the accompanying promotional increase as a key reward for high performance, says Hellerman. Sameness Big Bang Promotion is an […]

Big Bang Theory of Pay for Performance

The Forces of ‘Sameness’ Many factors have created the strong pull towards sameness in compensation: Talent shortages in 1996-1999, 2004-2007 Greater availability of data More effective tools to manage data comparisons Regulations and government scrutiny (Why do you pay the way you do? The easy answer is we do it like everyone else, Kochanski says.) […]

401(k)s Under Assault — What Are Best Employers Doing?

For years, BLR® has surveyed HR and benefits professionals to find trends in benefits. We appreciate your participation in our monthly series of brief, targeted benefits surveys. Today’s survey topic: 401(k) Plans. (We’ll publish the results in a future issue.) Please participate in this brief survey and we’ll determine just how employers are handling their […]

What’s New in Incentive Compensation? Let’s Find Out

Incentive comp is certainly on the front burner these days as companies struggle with strapped budgets and weary employees. It’s not getting easier for comp professionals. But what’s happening in the real world? Who’s paying what to whom? Let’s find out. Please participate in this brief survey and we’ll determine just what employers are offering […]

The 10 Steps to Effective Market Pricing

Bottos, who is Vice President of Compensation at data provider Kenexa, offered her suggestions at a recent webinar sponsored by the company. Here are her 10 steps: 1. Analyze your organization’s jobs to determine: Main function of the job and key responsibilities Knowledge/skills/abilities required Organization level and reporting relationships 2. Develop a brief job summary: […]

Incentives or Disincentives? More Mistakes That Send Salespeople Packing

McAnally is president of SalesComp America, in Andover, Massachusetts. Killer #7. Design Comp Plans That Don’t Match Company Goals [Go here for mistakes 1 to 6.] Nobody’s going to be happy with the sales force if compensation plans don’t match up with company goals. Say you’re trying to launch a new product that is much […]

How to Incentivize Your Best Salespeople … to Leave

Is your sales compensation program actually sabotaging your results? It probably is, if it’s guilty of the frequently committed faux pas detailed below. They’re from Alan McAnally, sales consultant and president of Andover, Massachusetts-based SalesComp America, in an article on the company’s website. We’ve abstracted the gist of these sales force killers here. Killer #1. […]

Please Sue Me? Teach Your Managers the YouTube Test

It used to be the ’60 Minutes Rule,” but lawsuit avoidance expert Hunter Lott now encounters people who say 60 Minutes, what’s that? So he advocates the ‘YouTube Rule”—don’t do anything in the office, he says, that you wouldn’t want to see on YouTube. Lott, who is a popular speaker and consultant and owner of […]