Tag: President Trump

5 Recruiting Lessons from the Trump Administration

A new president often faces challenges. It comes with the territory. But President Trump also faces a talent shortage. Hundreds of jobs, including key positions, remain open, and the administration reportedly has had difficulty finding people to fill the roles.


Supreme Court’s Action On ‘Travel Ban’ Eases Some Employer Concerns

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to allow a limited form of President Donald Trump’s “travel ban” to take effect means people from the affected countries who work for employers in the United States are probably exempt from the ban. But the decision doesn’t clear up all questions for those employees and their employers, according to […]


Supreme Court Ruling Allows ‘Travel Ban’ Executive Order to Take Limited Effect

Based on two lower courts’ findings, President Donald Trump’s revised “travel ban” Executive Order (EO) has been enjoined from taking effect since May. Today, on the last day of the current court term, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to determine whether the EO’s focus on primarily Muslim countries is in violation of the First Amendment […]


Kaplan Nomination Called Way to ‘Stop the Bleeding’ at NLRB

President Donald Trump’s announcement that he will nominate Marvin Kaplan, currently chief counsel of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, to one of two vacant seats on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is being hailed by probusiness interests as a way to bring balance to the Board.


Study: AHCA Could Kill Nearly a Million U.S. Jobs By 2026

If it becomes law, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), as passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, could cause an estimated 924,000 jobs to disappear by 2026 and trigger an economic downturn in nearly every state, according to a new report published by researchers at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health […]

independent contractor

DOL Rescinds Joint Employment, Independent Contractor Guidance

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has withdrawn two major Obama-era guidance documents, one addressing joint employment and one on independent contractors. The move, while not a surprise, is good news for employers, according to H. Juanita Beecher, of counsel with Fortney & Scott and an editor of Federal Employment Law Insider. The Obama administration […]

President Trump’s Growing Pains Could Benefit from Business Lessons

If he has learned one lesson in his four months as president, Donald Trump has certainly discovered that the scrutiny he receives as the “leader of the free world” and one of the most powerful people in the world is much greater than anything he has experienced previously. President Trump, long known for his publicity-seeking […]