Tag: President Trump

White House

Trump Puts the Final Nail in the Coffin: The ‘Blacklisting’ Rule Is Dead

President Trump has signed a resolution voiding an Obama-era regulation that would have required federal contractors to disclose employment law violations to agencies that award contracts. His signature was the final step in the repeal process; “It was the stake through the heart of the blacklisting regs,” according to H. Juanita Beecher, of counsel with […]

reduced schedule leave

Changes May Be in Store for Overtime Rule, FLSA

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) may be in a holding pattern for now, but employers are probably in for some wage and hour changes in the coming months, Tammy D. McCutchen told attendees at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) employment law and legislative conference.

What's Next

ACA ‘Repeal’ Bill Alleviates Many Employer Burdens

Recently proposed legislation affecting the Affordable Care Act (ACA) alleviates much of the law’s burden on employers. And even though the bill will probably face several rounds of changes, the provisions undoing employers’ responsibilities are relatively uncontroversial and will likely be left alone, experts say.


HR Professionals Must Advocate for 21st Century Policies, SHRM Says

Human resources (HR) professionals must develop a cohesive voice to advocate for policies that work in the 21st-century workplace, the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) CEO told attendees during a March 13 presentation.