According to a new survey,
48 percent of American employees say they’re paid well for the work they do, but
46 percent say they’re not. In general, those who felt adequately compensated
were age 45 and older, held upper management positions, and worked for the same
employer for at least six years. Employees who felt they should be paid more
tended to be younger— ages 25 to 35—held middle management or salaried jobs,
and were with their current employer for five years or less. The survey,
conducted by staffing company Express Personnel Services, Inc., included a cross-section
of business owners, managers, and employees in various industries throughout
The HR Management & Compliance Report: How To Comply with California Wage & Hour Law, explains everything you need to know to stay in compliance with the state’s complex and ever-changing rules, laws, and regulations in this area. Coverage on bonuses, meal and rest breaks, overtime, alternative workweeks, final paychecks, and more.