Big data is omnipresent in today’s business landscape. Metrics and analytics, along with the hypotheses drawn from them, are having a great impact on how decisions, big and small, are made—including in the field of human resources. So, what’s happening with HR metrics out there? What are your competitors measuring to gain an advantage? Help us find out!
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Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing.
We’ll get answers to these questions and more:
- Which metrics are being maintained relating to HR departments and their functions?
- What sort of metrics are being used for hiring? For compensation?
- How are metrics being used to quantify engagement, turnover, and complaints?
- Which metrics are the most popular or most widely used?
- What role are international standards playing?
Participate in this brief survey and see how your practices with HR metrics are stacking up against those of other successful companies.
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete.
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To show our appreciation, we’ll send a PDF of the survey results to all participants. (Be sure to include your contact information where prompted.)
No individual organization’s information will be shared. Only results in the aggregate will be sent to participants or used by BLR® for articles or in any other form of distribution.
Metrics and analytics are increasingly having an effect on how HR departments demonstrate their strategic value within their companies. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey—and make sure you’re competitive.
Thank you for your valued input.
Dan Oswald
Upcoming 2015 BLR and HR Daily Advisor surveys include:
- Training and Development
- Employment Branding
- Outsourcing
I completed this survey. I’ve worked in HR for 2 decades; within 4 states; and multiple industries. As I see it, HR struggles to define its own added value. The content of this survey tells me the same.
One, measuring “time to fill jobs” isn’t on HR – thus HR cannot take credit or blame for how long it takes. HIRING MANAGERS drive this bus, not HR. Many hiring managers take months to fill a job and there’s nothing that HR can do to speed them up. Simple and Exhibit A that “time to fill jobs” isn’t on HR.
Secondly, HR can track “staff turnover”, but it doesn’t own high or low staff turnover – thus measuring this/low staff turnover isn’t HR adding value; and high staff turnover isn’t HR adding value. Departing staff typically leave their perception of poor managers, poor pay (that their manager controlled) or poor benefits (that the organizations leadership controls through what it budgeted for benefits) and a poor commute. None of this is under HR control, thus HR cannot take credit or blame for poor managers/poor pay/poor benefits/a poor commute.
Thanks for completing the survey and for your well-taken points. I will be interested to see if other survey takers also react this way. Meanwhile, what metrics/analytics do you recommend for measuring HR’s added value? The survey asked people to share their favorite metrics (maybe you did). I hope that many people contributed to that question.