The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration has published tips for workers and employers to keep in mind during heat waves. The new materials include an advisory for employers that explains the duty to take steps necessary to prevent heat-related illness, plus fact sheets for workers to help them recognize and respond to symptoms of heat illness.
At the same time, the agency has submitted proposed emergency regulations regarding prevention of heat illness. The proposed rules would require employee and supervisor training, require water to be available at all times, and require access to shaded areas for any worker suffering from heat illness or needing shade to prevent it. The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will review the proposed standards at a meeting set for August 12, 2005. If adopted, the rules would remain in effect for 120 days, and would then lapse unless adopted as permanent regulations. We’ll keep you posted.
Additional Resource:
Cal-OSHA Heat-Related Illness Prevention Resources
Cal-OSHA Compliance Advisor
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