Category: Benefits and Compensation

This topic provides guidance on how to handle compensation issues in a way that attracts and retains the best talent and advances the strategic goals of your business. You get news and tips on what’s going on nationally and in the states, and updates on changes in regulations, possible governmental action, and emerging compensation trends.

How Your Benefits Can Support Your Employees from Stressful “Life Change” Events

It’s been over five decades since the Holmes-Rahe stress scale recognized the impact of life events on a person’s stress level, and the correlation with physical wellness and well-being. Although more recent research has refined the original stress index, it remains uncontroversial that navigating a life event affects every pillar of a person’s well-being (physical, […]

How Leave-Sharing Supports Employees and Builds Workplace Cohesion

Over the past few years, the need for flexible benefits has never been more clear. From a pandemic that overturned many old assumptions about how and where we work to a period of economic uncertainty and volatility today, employees have continually reassessed what they need from employers. This has led HR teams to reconsider how […]


Striking the Right Balance: Handling Summer Vacations at Work

With summer upon us, summer vacations are looming. While large companies can handle employee time off relatively easily, smaller firms may struggle. Even large companies with key personnel—or small teams within large organizations—may find it hard to juggle responsibilities to accommodate vacations. While it’s crucial for companies to encourage staff to take time off to […]

Nurturing Employee Well-Being Through Progressive Policies

The modern workplace is changing. More employees value progressive perks like flexible work, and folks will quickly jump ship if they can find remote work that offers the benefits they’re looking for. Many employees expect their employer to offer well-being–related perks. Offering these benefits to boost well-being will improve your productivity and help you build […]


Ask the Expert: How to Implement Fair, Transparent Compensation Practices

Question: Are there any laws regulating whether managers and supervisors are allowed to know the compensation of the employees they supervise? Answer: There’s currently no law that regulates whether managers and supervisors are allowed to know the compensation of the employees they supervise. Employers may therefore implement policies restricting the sharing of this information. However, […]

Classify Part-Time & Full-Time Employment to Determine Benefits

Many employers offer benefits to their full-time employees that they don’t offer their part-time employees. But when employees work part-time some weeks and full-time other weeks, determining their status for benefits purposes can be tricky. Fortunately, we have some helpful advice. Define Your Terms Determining whether a variable-hour employee qualifies for benefits depends on how […]

Keep Administrative Compensation Competitive with the Latest Data

Administrative professionals (APs) are often considered the glue that keeps an organization running smoothly, making their recruitment and retention critical for businesses across industries. With the job market more competitive than ever before, HR leaders must consider the latest trends in the administrative profession. It is particularly important to stay informed about APs’ evolving compensation, […]

Tackling Loneliness in the Workplace: Challenges and Solutions

Loneliness in the workplace affects many employees, with detrimental impacts on mental health and productivity. Various studies have highlighted the prevalence of this problem, particularly in the context of remote and hybrid working models that became more common during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Here I will explore key factors contributing to workplace loneliness, suggesting […]

Ask the Expert: Is PTO Appropriate When the ADA Doesn’t Require a Paid Leave of Absence?

Question: We have an employee whose essential functions require the use of their hands. They have requested an accommodation, and their physician has recommended a few weeks of time off until specific medical restrictions can be determined. What is our obligation to pay this employee during this doctor-recommended leave of absence? Answer: The leave of absence […]

Ask the Expert: Clear, Consistent Paid-Time-Off Policies Are Vital

Question: An employee worked his entire 40 hours by Wednesday and has requested paid time off (PTO) for Thursday and Friday, bringing the week’s total hours worked to 56. Are we required to pay him for the additional requested time, considering he had already worked his 40 hours and our handbook says PTO is to […]