Tag: leadership

Hot List: Bestselling Business Books on Amazon.com

Amazon.com updates its list of the bestselling business books every hour. Here is a snapshot of what is hot right now, this Monday morning, October 6, in the “Organizational Behavior” category. 1. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni. The author targets group behavior in the final entry of his […]

Employee Network Groups: Make employees — and the company — happy

Many employee network groups form, fail to attract significant membership or support, and disband. The Asian American Professional Association (AAPA) at Henkel of America is not one of those: It was formed in early 2005, and its presence in the corporation continues to strengthen. “Our workforce must reflect the communities we live in and the […]

Hot List: Bestselling Business Books on Amazon.com

Amazon.com updates its list of bestselling business books hourly. Here is a snapshot of what books were hot this morning — Monday, December 10. The Lies About Money by Ric Edelman. Exposing the seamy underbelly of the retail mutual fund industry, this helpful primer by seasoned financial advisor Edelman offers step-by-step instructions for how to […]

HOT LIST: Businessweek’s Bestselling Buisness Book

BusinessWeek ranks business books that are the most recent bestsellers and provides a short summary. 1. The Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan. 2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. 3. Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. This book will give you “ideas for action” and tips for how best you can work with others. More […]

News Notes: Federal Employees Discouraged From Using Cell Phones While Driving

The U.S. General Services Administration has asked federal agencies to discourage employees from using handheld wireless phones while driving government vehicles. Citing pending legislation around the nation to regulate the use of cell phones while driving, the GSA stated that the government should assume a leadership role in promoting cell phone safety by its employees. […]