Tag: learning and development programs

Faces of HR: Andrew Scivally on Creating Safe Spaces to Learn and Fail, Decisiveness, and Taking Risks

Fast-forward to today, and Scivally, Cofounder and CEO of ELB Learning, a software company dedicated to creating learning experiences that unlock employee performance, is proud to share that ELB Learning has completely transformed. “We’re six times stronger after acquiring and integrating industry-leading learning technology and service companies over the past three years,” he told HR […]

Employees Increasingly Looking to Employers, Not Colleges and Universities, for Education

In an era where tuition is skyrocketing, students and former students in the United States are grappling with a staggering amount of student debt. This financial burden is leading many to question the value of a traditional college education. As a result, a significant shift is occurring in the realm of post-secondary education, with employees […]