I often read about the requirements of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. How do I know if this law applies to our organization, particularly if we’re also covered by California wage and hour laws? — Francesca in Merced
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the key federal law regarding wage and hour matters. The FLSA applies in all states, but states are permitted to enact laws that offer workers greater protections. Usually,
Even if a business isn’t covered under the above rules, an individual employee of that business will still be subject to the FLSA’s provisions when that person individually engages in interstate commerce or in producing goods for interstate commerce. This includes employees who work in communications or transportation; regularly use the mail, telephone, or telegraph for interstate communication or keep records of interstate transactions; handle, ship, or receive goods moving in interstate commerce; regularly cross state lines in the course of employment; or work for independent employers that contract to do clerical, custodial, maintenance, or other work for firms engaged in interstate commerce or in producing goods for interstate commerce.