HR Hero Line

Space: the final frontier

by Mark I. Schickman

There have been many lawsuits limiting the introduction of religion into the workforce. Employees who insist on a God-given right to bash gays at the workplace are subject to termination ― despite their right to express their religious beliefs. An employee whose religion opposes taking orders from women will lose his job if he ignores his female bosses. Whether missionary work is central to one’s creed, unwanted proselytizing will get you fired.

Similarly, it’s within an employer’s prerogative to prohibit conversations during working time and in the workplace about topics such as politics, religion, and sexuality. Among the classic topics an employer can ban from the active work floor is the debate between creationism and evolution, the quintessential wedge issue for nearly a century (see Inherit the Wind, MGM, 1960). Most employers prohibit talking about the origins of the universe at work.

But what if your job is to discover the cosmic mysteries of the universe? Can you talk about celestial origins then? That question is being played out in the Los Angeles Superior Court courtroom right now.

Mastering HR Report: Discrimination

NASA scientist sees more than stars and planets in the skies
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is running the Cassini Saturn project, exploring Saturn and its moons. David Coppedge was a team-lead computer specialist on the mission. He believes in intelligent design―the theory that life is too complex to be explained by evolution. He doesn’t care that the broad scientific consensus (including that of all his coworkers) disagrees with him because, he says, science is often wrong.

In 2009, Coppedge was demoted, and in 2011, he was fired. The California Institute of Technology, which runs the JPL for NASA, says he was fired as part of a large reduction in force that affected over 200 employees. Coppedge says his demotion and termination were the result of religious discrimination.

While the JPL denies that religious discrimination formed any part of the basis for its actions against Coppedge, his supervisor, Greg Chin, does say he was the subject of over 15 complaints from coworkers regarding his “uncooperative attitude, poor listening and intellectual skills and . . . technical performance.” Coppedge argued at work that the newly named “Holiday Party” should be renamed the “Christmas Party” and argued with coworkers over Proposition 8, California’s same-sex marriage ban. While the JPL maintained that the whole issue is irrelevant to what was ultimately a routine reduction in force, its legal briefs differentiated between Coppedge’s religious beliefs (which are constitutionally protected) and his abusive workplace conduct (which is not).

The matter is further muddied by Coppedge’s request to introduce into evidence an intelligent design DVD he showed to coworkers and introduce an expert on religion to explain whether intelligent design is a proposal of scientific fact or religious dogma. The trial judge has indicated that he will allow the DVD to be shown to him in this bench (nonjury) trial but won’t allow any religious expert to testify.

HR Guide to Employment Law, including religious discrimination and accommodation

God only knows
The nuances of this debate display exactly why most employers put a wide fence around any discussion of religion and keep it away from the workplace. Where does protected speech end and the right to be free from proselytizing begin? Where does one person’s freedom to exercise religion begin to conflict with another’s right to exercise unfettered secularism?

From your perspective, it is safest to keep the entire topic out of the workforce to avoid exactly the kind of lawsuit the JPL now faces. Unfortunately, that’s becoming more easily said than done, as religion is encroaching more and more into public debate.

Religion has always had a unique place among constitutional freedoms, carrying more benefits and more restrictions than any other type of speech. Alone among all forms of expression, religious property isn’t taxed, and religious institutions are exempted from almost every form of antidiscrimination law. On the flip side, however, while other interests can freely meet in public settings on public property, oftentimes religious groups cannot. In both its freedoms and restrictions, nothing is as complex as religious speech, as Cal Tech, NASA, and the JPL are now learning.

Apparently, this issue is harder than rocket science.

Mark I. Schickman is a partner with Freeland Cooper & Foreman LLP in San Francisco and editor of California Employment Law Letter. You can reach him at (415) 541-0200 or

4 thoughts on “Space: the final frontier”

  1. “Employees who insist on a God-given right to bash gays at the workplace are subject to termination ― despite their right to express their religious beliefs.”

    I believe there is a difference between expressing one’s beliefs that an certain activity is wrong vs. attacking someone who engages in that behavior. Just because something is LEGAL, does not necessarily make it RIGHT.

    Not all people who believe that homosexuality is wrong are attacking, or as you say “bashing” gays. The same folks who believe that homosexuality is wrong better also be just as adamant that fornication and adultery (other sexual sins) are just as wrong. Otherwise, they are hypocrites. There is no one sin that is any worse than any other. Unforgiveness is also a sin. A person who practices sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God. There are some folks who are genuinely concerned for the souls of others and want to warn them so that they are not sent to eternal damnation.

    Just thought your readers should know that not all people who express that something is wrong are out to attack the people who are doing the wrong things. None of us would be anywhere without the saving Grace of Jesus Christ.

  2. “Coppedge argued at work that the newly named “Holiday Party” should be renamed the “Christmas Party” and argued with coworkers over Proposition 8, California’s same-sex marriage ban.” Did he simply state his views and co-workers didn’t like them or did he display inappropriate behavior in the workplace (rude, demeaning, violent, etc) while expressing these views? The “behavior” and not his personal views should be the issue. “Bashing” and “unwanted proselytizing” is not ok toward anyone in the workplace, whether they be gay, Christian, or other.

  3. Without brining religion into the fray I would suggest we will learn that DNA is similar to a fractal or another form of algorithm. It may be that a little more than natural selection is at work in the process of evolution. Pre-earth history should not be ruled out. Defining all things to creation is just as incomplete as defining everything on evolution. The truth is yet to be understood and our paradigm will probably change as we discover and embrace new knowledge.

  4. Lately there has been a prayer group meeting in a room on site during the lunch hour where they eat lunch, talk and have fellowship. I believe everyone has the right to worship as they choose, and this fellowship is an extension of that. However, it seems that outside of this in the workplace, the members of the group have become an adhoc advisory committee to the executive who is a member of this group. In more than one case their influence has been felt in his decision making. What can you do about this? Some of these members even come and go as they please despite posted work hours.

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