
How Measuring Skills Helps You Retain Skills

Today we’ll look at measuring skills and dealing with automation and artificial intelligence.

Skills are also measurable. We are starting to see the growth of assessments to accurately measure skill competencies, and this will accelerate considerably. In many ways, it makes more sense to discuss a skill competency than a grade or degree level (which often is attributed to age and demographics); it is more precise, accurate, and based on actual data. Moreover, using skill assessments widens your talent pool. You consider applicants from many different education backgrounds, including microcredential paths and certification learning programs.
Finally, as there is a displacement of jobs to automation and artificial intelligence, we need to identify skills that make us uniquely human and build them. Two such skill areas mentioned in The Future of Jobs report include social skills (related to emotional intelligence) and analytical skills. There is also a need to stay abreast of the high level skills controlling the latest technology advancements.
I hear a popular phrase “Hire for character, you can train skill,” with which I only somewhat agree. Putting the time and effort to acquire a set of skills and behaviors over an extended period of time demonstrates character. Conscientiously applying skills in every experience requires diligence. Workers who command skills deserve commendation. How can you not respect someone who has made that kind of an investment into something particular?
Much of the discussion in The Future of Jobs Reportpublished by the World Economic Forum—reinforces my assertion that we should be thinking in skill for workforce development (as shown in the table below).

When developing skills for your workforce, you could use Skills-Based Approach—which is a methodology and application to solve these problems in workforce development.

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