Week in Review—December 24, 2010
Note to Readers: This newsletter appears daily, but we know some of you don’t always have the time to read it everyday. For your convenience, here’s a re-publication of what we covered this past week. Daily, weekly, or anything in between, we’re pleased to keep you informed with the latest tips, news, and advice on your profession. Thanks for reading us!
Best holiday wishes from the HR Daily Advisor staff–Rafael, Steve, Denise, Meredith, and Amanda.
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Monday, December 20, 2010
NLRB Really Roils the Water Around Social Media
We knew social media was going to be a big part of 2011’s HR landscape, but the NLRB has just upped the ante considerably. It says that an ambulance service illegally terminated an employee who posted negative remarks about her supervisor on her personal Facebook page, because the posting was “concerted activity.”
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Does Updating a Facebook Page Violate a Non-Compete?
In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered the stunning new NLRB stance on social networking; today, attorney Thomas Deer’s advice on dealing with social media and non-competes, plus an introduction to the one-stop HR solution center.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Calling Boss ‘Pervy Wanker’ on Facebook—Terminable Offense?
Careless employees end up getting terminated over their social media indiscretions; but HR managers can also wind up unemployed if they don’t handle social media issues carefully. Attorney Thomas Deer shares the risks on both sides of the coin.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Can You Fire for Moonlighting While Out on FMLA?
If you find that one of your employees out on FMLA is working for someone else, can you fire the person? “It depends,” attorney Jeff Wortman says, smiling as he utters the standard attorney response.
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Top 10 Most Popular Articles on HRDailyAdvisor.com this year
The HR Daily Advisor community of over 200,000+ HR professionals has spoken. Here are the most popular articles on the HR Daily Advisor website in the last year just in case you missed them.