
Stop Tolerating These Employee Behaviors

Employee behavioral problems can actually cause even more harm than it would seem on the surface. One concern is that overall employee morale may suffer if other employees perceive the organization as being tolerant of bad behavior. It could even create situations with a heightened risk of discrimination claims—especially if behavioral issues are addressed selectively.

Zika and the Workplace: Tips for Employers

While the Zika virus is not yet widespread across the United States, it has arrived stateside and will likely spread. This gives employers the opportunity to prepare now to reduce the chances of this virus becoming a threat for employees.

U.S. Appeals Court Permits Dunkin’ Donuts Managers’ Overtime Claims to Proceed

By Susan G. Fentin, Skoler, Abbott & Presser, P.C In another of what promises to be a long line of cases in which courts consider whether working managers have been properly classified as exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit—which covers Maine, Massachusetts, […]

Fantasy Football Ranks Better as a Hobby Than Reading

When a résumé crosses your desk, you most likely don’t hire that candidate based on the list of hobbies included, if there even are hobbies included. Showing your interests on a résumé has sort of become taboo. It wastes space when that area can be used for showcasing valuable skills. Depending on the job, listing […]

Job Pricing Around The $47,476 Salary Threshold for Overtime Exemption

By Susan Prince, JD, M.S.L., Legal Editor In light of the Department of Labor’s (DOL) final overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), a formal compensation administration program is an important management tool for ensuring that employees are satisfied, that both internal and external equity are maintained, and that control is maintained over […]

Using Blended Learning in Safety Training

Yesterday’s Advisor presented four distinct approaches that can boost your safety training efforts and keep employees engaged. Today, we focus on one particular method, blended learning, and how it can be an asset to your safety training program.

Could It Only Take 60 Seconds to Lose Top Talent?

Well, not 60 seconds, but 10 days according to internationally-known HR thought leader John Sullivan, PhD. He cited research by and says that the best candidates only stick around the job market for 10 days! Check out his tips on what you can do with that limited time frame.

Get Moving on Your Employee Volunteer Program

Yesterday we discussed the benefits of a robust employee volunteer program. As stated, companies should think beyond annual holiday drives and develop programs that encourage staff to get into the community on a regular basis during work hours. Benefits are plentiful—to the company, to the employees themselves, and to those these efforts serve.