
Workplace Bias: Court Strips Employee of $1 Million Award; No Evidence Reorganization Was Biased Against Older Workers and Women

In the most familiar type of workplace bias lawsuit, the employee charges that the employer had a discriminatory motive. Butin disparate impact cases, the employee claims that an apparently neutral policy or practice of the employer disproportionately hurt employees in a protected class, even though there was no intent to discriminate. A new California appeal […]

Religion in the Workplace: Employer’s Refusal to Permit Employee to Attend Jehovah’s Witness Convention Leads to Liability

In a new California appeals court decision, an employer learned the hard way about the obligation to accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs and practices—even if they conflict with work obligations. Request to Attend Religious Convention Lester Young, a Jehovah’s Witness, worked for Gemini Aluminum Corp. in Pomona. Young had attended a church convention almost every […]

Health and Safety: Cell-Phone-Related Car Accident Costs Employee $2 Million; Employer Tips for Avoiding Liability

Back in September 2001, we reported on a California employer that was hit with a $30 million lawsuit after one of its employees struck and killed a teenager while driving and using a cell phone. Now the employee, a former attorney, has been ordered to pay $2 million to the family of the teenager, Naeun […]

Military Leave: DOL’s Draft Rules Clarify Reemployment Protections for Veterans and Reservists

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) reports that it has received complaints from thousands of returning military personnel about their reemployment rights under the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). To better educate employees and employers about their rights and obligations under this law, the DOL has released draft regulations designed to […]

Disability Bias: Employee Unable to Travel Is Not Disabled, but Court Considers Retaliation Claim Anyway; Practical Considerations

A new ruling from the federal appeals court that covers California demonstrates how you can get hit with a retaliation claim following an employee’s request for a reasonable accommodation—even if it turns out the employee wasn’t disabled. The court also pointed out that travel restrictions don’t qualify as limitations on a major life activity for […]

Legislation and Reform Proposals Whistleblowing: New Laws Change Wage Statement Requirements, Clarify Whistleblower Poster Rule

Governor Schwarzenegger has signed new laws changing the information you must include on employee wage statements and clearing up how large the type must be on your whistleblower posters. Join us this fall in San Francisco for the California Employment Law Update conference, a 3-day event that will teach you everything you need to know […]

Health and Safety : What You and Your Employees Need to Know About Workplace Fire Safety

The largest single settlement Cal/ OSHA ever collected—$462,000—was for a work-related fire. In 1999, Tosco Refining Co. was cited for 33 alleged violations of state workplace safety regulations as a result of a fatal fire at its Avon plant near Martinez. Thankfully, most workplaces won’t experience such tragedies, but even so, OSHA reports that workplace […]