
E-Alert Item: New Law Alert: What’s Coming Your Way

Governor Davis has signed many new laws of interest to employers, ranging from creating a paid family leave program to implementing new layoff notice requirements; from new prohibitions against age discrimination to important changes to consumer report laws; from new restrictions on absence control policies to additional guidelines on responding to employee requests to view […]

E-Alert Item: Wage And Hour: Einstein Bagels To Make Big Payout For Back Overtime; Employees Misclassified As Exempt

Einstein Bagels, a national chain of bagel stores–which includes Noah’s New York Bagels and Manhattan Bagels–has agreed to pay over $495,000 in back overtime to settle claims that it misclassified 424 assistant managers in 27 states, including California. The settlement grew out of an investigation of Einstein locations by the U.S. Department of Labor. In […]

E-Alert Item: Legal Update: High Court To Consider Several Employment Cases During New Term

On October 7, 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court reconvened for a new session. The court’s docket this term includes a case involving whether physician-shareholders can be counted as employees for purposes of determining employer coverage under the Americans with Disabilities Act and a case regarding whether state employers can be sued for violations of the […]

E-Alert Item: Medical Marijuana: Fired Employee Goes To Court

Gary Ross was offered a job as a lead systems administrator for RagingWire Telecommunications in Sacramento. In connection with taking a mandatory pre-employment drug test, Ross gave the company a copy of his medical prescription for marijuana, which he used to alleviate pain from an old back injury. Ross also told RagingWire that he wouldn’t […]

E-Alert Item: Family Leave: Employee Wins Half-Million-Dollar Award

Kim Pesky, a marketer for Stamford, Conn.-based Cendant Corp., took time off under state and federal family leave laws to care for her new baby. The project she was working on at the time her family leave began was purchased by another company, so the job she had left in effect no longer existed. Management […]

E-Alert Item: Sex Discrimination: Court Approves $47 Million Settlement

A federal court has approved a $47,000,000 settlement entered into between the EEOC and Rent-A-Center to resolve two major class action lawsuits charging the rent-to-own company with sex discrimination. The lawsuits claimed that women were denied promotions, demoted, and sexually harassed, and that some women were fired or forced out after the company was acquired […]

E-Alert Item: Recordkeeping Problems Reported With Ceridian Retirement Plan Services

If your company uses Ceridian Retirement Plan Services for 401(k) plan recordkeeping, it may be a good idea to have employees carefully check their account records. That’s because Ceridian clients have allegedly reported a spate of recordkeeping problems since earlier this year, when Ceridian began consolidating its San Rafael and Richmond, Virginia, offices into a […]

E-Alert Item: EEOC Sues Home Depot For Bias

The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has sued Home Depot for sex discrimination. The agency charges that the home-improvement retailer repeatedly rejected a female applicant for various positions at a new Home Depot store in Rialto, near Los Angeles, and hired less-qualified men for the jobs. In response to the lawsuit, Home Depot has denied […]