
Equal Pay: New Case Looks At When Jobs Do—And Don’t—Require The Same Compensation

Equal pay for equal work is a hot issue. And disputes over whether a female employee is entitled to receive the same compensation as a male co-worker typically focus on whether they perform substantially similar work. Now a new case involving a human resources administrator provides a practical look at some factors courts weigh when […]

News Notes: Injury And Illness Rates Continue To Decline

California’s workplace injury and illness rates continued to drop in 1999 despite record high employment, according to recent data compiled by the state Division of Labor Statistics and Research. Mirroring a national downward trend, California’s injury rate fell to 6.3 injuries per 100 full-time employees—down from 6.7 in 1998—the lowest rate ever in the 29 […]

News Notes: Staff Attorneys Sue EEOC For Age Bias

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the agency charged with enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws, has been sued for age bias by three of its former staff attorneys in Atlanta. Maureen Malone, 56, and William Outlaw, 62, claim they were forced into retirement after being given a choice of transferring to other offices or being terminated. And […]

News Notes: Worker Can Sue Employer Who Said He’d Go To Hell

Del Erdmann said he quit his job as assistant director of nursing at Miguel Villa after owner/supervisor Velda Pierce repeatedly told him he would go to hell if he didn’t become a heterosexual and join the Mormon Church. Now a federal court in San Francisco has given Erdmann the green light to sue Miguel Villa […]

News Notes: Wage Violations Cost Taco Bell Millions

About 1,300 former Taco Bell workers have won a lawsuit in Oregon that charged that supervisors doctored employee time cards in order to meet productivity goals and earn bonuses. Taco Bell supervisors allegedly admitted that they were pressured by senior managers to shave hours off time cards. Paul Breed, an attorney for the workers, has […]

Religious Discrimination: Religious-Affiliated Employer Liable For Firing Worker Who Was Saving Souls On Company Time; Guidelines To Follow

Employers affiliated with a religion generally aren’t subject to the state Fair Employment and Housing Act, California’s anti-discrimination law. But in a new case, a California Court of Appeal allowed a worker to make an end run around the statute and sue an employer who was exempt from the FEHA for religious discrimination. We’ll explain […]

Arbitration: High Court Says Employers Can Require Workers To Arbitrate Employment Disputes; Make Sure Your Agreements Will Hold Up

State and federal courts have grappled for years with the question of whether employers can compel workers to submit their employment disputes to arbitration. Now, in a major victory for employers, the U.S. Supreme Court has cleared up the confusion, giving employers the go-ahead to use mandatory arbitration agreements. The high court decision, coupled with […]

Ergonomics: Congress Scraps OSHA Ergonomics Rule

After 10 years of debate, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a national ergonomics standard that covered 102 million workers and took effect in January. But the much-criticized rule—which some said would cost businesses more than $100 billion per year—has now been scrapped by Congress, within weeks of President Bush’s taking office. And the […]

ADA Accommodations: Supreme Court Says State Workers Can’t Sue Their Employers For Damages Under The ADA

Over the last several years, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued a string of decisions limiting the rights of state employees to sue their state employers for violating federal employment laws. Now a new high court decision continues the trend, ruling that state employees can’t recover damages for disability discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities […]

Union Organizing: Employer Ordered To Bargain Even Though Union Lost Election; What You Can And Can’t Do During An Organizing Campaign

Have your employees been grumbling about wanting better pay and benefits? If so, you could be headed for a union-organizing drive, and it’s critical that you know what the law allows you to do. A recent case involving an employer that promised better pay and handed out perks to employees on union election day demonstrates […]