
News Notes: Martin Marietta To Pay Millions And Rehire Workers

Martin Marietta Corp. has agreed to pay $13 million to settle an age discrimination lawsuit filed by the EEOC on behalf of thousands of former employees who were laid off. The company also agreed to rehire 450 eligible employees who took part in the lawsuit and to make future layoff decisions under EEOC scrutiny over […]

News Notes: Computer Tampering Lands Employee In Jail

A systems administrator has been ordered to serve one year in jail for destroying computer files worth $237,550 at Digital Link, a Sunnyvale engineering firm. An Chi Tran quit his job after his supervisor gave him a written reprimand. The company then changed its passwords to block his access to its central computer system. But […]

Health Insurance: How To Comply With Complex Notice Requirements Under The New Health Insurance Portability Law-Part

The new Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is intended to make it easier for workers to retain health insurance coverage when they switch jobs, by limiting pre-existing medical condition exclusions. Recently, the federal government issued regulations spelling out your obligations under the law.

Mental Disabilities And The ADA: EEOC Issues New Employer Guidelines

A worker is easily distracted and has trouble concentrating on what he’s doing. A supervisor is hostile and rude to co-workers. Another employee can’t seem to get to work on time and frequently appears groggy and withdrawn. You may think you have clear grounds for discipline or termination in situations such as these, but be […]

Retaliation Claims: Employee Wins Half-Million Dollars For Backing Co-Worker’s Complaint; Preventive Measures You Can Take

Most employers are aware that it’s illegal to retaliate against an employee who complains about discrimination. But did you know you are also at risk if you discipline or fire someone who merely supports a co-worker’s bias complaint? A Los Angeles employer recently learned this costly lesson when it was hit with a big jury […]

News Notes: EEOC Rakes In Big Cash

After reducing a huge backlog of cases, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed fewer charges last year but significantly increased the amount of money it won from employers. Settlements obtained before cases entered litigation totaled $145.2 million, just shy of the 1994 record of $146.3 million. Lawsuits generated another $51.2 million in awards last […]

News Notes: ADA Doesn’t Require Transfer To New Boss To Reduce Stress

A new court decision says the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) doesn’t require you to transfer an employee because of a bad working relationship with a supervisor. Sherrylen Weiler, a Household Finance Corp. manager, claimed she became disabled by depression, stress and anxiety following a performance review in which her supervisor raised his voice and […]

News Notes: Revised Ergonomics Regulations Pass

On April 17, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board voted to adopt rewritten and clarified workplace ergonomics regulations aimed at reducing repetitive motion injuries. The regulations probably won’t take effect before early July-assuming threatened lawsuits from employer and labor groups don’t cause further delays. We’ll have a full report in an upcoming issue. […]