Author: Guest Columnist

To Solve Millennial Misconceptions, Work Together at All Levels of the Organization

There is so much written about Millennials and their supposed character traits: a sense of entitlement (e.g., expecting a promotion without “paying their dues”), a questionable work ethic (e.g., coming in late and leaving early), and a lack of loyalty (i.e., being job hoppers). Not all organizations are actually having these experiences with Millennial employees. However, I suspect that some hiring managers have a misconception about Millennials based on what they are reading versus actually experiencing it for themselves.


International Companies Increasingly Setting Up Multinational Pooling and Employee Benefit Captives, Says Research

The rising cost of employee benefits is prompting more and more international companies to set up multinational pooling and employee benefit captive arrangements to improve the performance of their insurable employee benefit plans, according to the Multinational Pooling and Benefit Captives Research Report compiled by Willis Towers Watson.

Why Recruiters Should Help Candidates Feel Secure in Their New Position

In yesterday’s Recruiting Daily Advisor we began to explore a few recent reports that suggest that many applicants get easily frustrated with how they are treated during the application process. Today we will explore the role that devotion plays in the recruiting process. By Melissa Blazejak


Why Employee Coaching May Be Your Best Strategy

In the new Coaching Employees For High Performance report, it was found that 71% of employees who took advantage of learning opportunities were more motivated. What’s even more encouraging, 64% felt more equipped to do their job, 55% felt empowered, and 48% felt ready to take on more responsibility. As you can see, the power of employee coaching goes far beyond learning something new. Here are more real benefits to this training trend.


Training: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Just like your company, every person working in it has a unique point of view, approach, and style. Just like our mothers told us when we were kids, we are all truly one of a kind, and thus, we all have our own unique learning styles.