Author: Bridget Miller, Contributing Editor

October Is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Did you know that October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)? It was originally declared by Congress back in 1945; at that time, it was a week titled “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.” The name and duration have evolved since then, settling on National Disability Employment Awareness Month in 1988.

FMLA Notice Requirements: Proper Delivery of Notice

As covered in the last installment of this series, every employer covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is required to post an FMLA general notice explaining the FMLA’s provisions and other various U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) forms and notices. The following article discusses the proper ways to deliver notices.

Pennsylvania Employer Violates FMLA After Terminating Employee

By Gregory J. Wartman, Saul Ewing LLP A Pennsylvania federal court recently ruled in favor of an employee who was terminated after taking leave to care for her sick parents. The court ruled that an employee does not have to use magic language in requesting Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave and rejected the […]

Learning Skills: How Long Does It Take?

By Ryan M. Frischmann In yesterday’s Advisor, Ryan M. Frischmann, author of A Skills-Based Approach to Developing a Career, described how skills are the language of learning and how experiences are a key factor in learning new skills. Today, Frischmann provides some information for our readers regarding an age-old training question: How long does it […]

NLRA and NLRB 101

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) is the primary piece of legislation that protects employee rights to collectively discuss working conditions and to work together to negotiate for changes when needed. These rights are enforced by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Retirement Benefits: Better at Attracting Employees than Health Care?

A recent survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of Nationwide found that 29% of SMBs with less than 300 employees who offer 401(k) retirement plans and plan to increase contributions say that they are doing so because the ACA has made health benefits less attractive to employees. Additionally, 43% of SMBs who plan […]

Millennials Often Underestimate Healthcare Costs

Aflac, a provider of voluntary insurance, announced results from the 2016 Aflac WorkForces Report, revealing how Millennials are more likely to embrace a nontraditional approach to pay their medical expenses compared to older generations. They also are more likely than non-Millennial generations to regularly underestimate the total cost of healthcare issues.