Category: Benefits and Compensation

This topic provides guidance on how to handle compensation issues in a way that attracts and retains the best talent and advances the strategic goals of your business. You get news and tips on what’s going on nationally and in the states, and updates on changes in regulations, possible governmental action, and emerging compensation trends.

Study Finds Women Gaining Ground as Chief Executives

A recent study conducted by Equilar of CEO turnover in the S&P 1500 has found that women are finding some foothold in the traditionally male-dominated roles of CEO. A March 2011 study by Catalyst found that while women comprise nearly half (46.7 percent) of the U.S. workforce, they make up only 2.2 percent of the […]

State Court Can Determine That a DRO Is a QDRO

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that state courts can determine that a domestic relations order (DRO) is a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). Mack v. Kuckenmeister, Nos. 09-15290, 15291 (2010). Facts. “Mike and Sarah Jones” were in the midst of divorce proceedings during 2005 and the early part of 2006. Mike had […]

Des Moines Returns to Self-funding Health Benefits After 8-year Hiatus

 Here’s a testament to the power of lower stop-loss attachment points. The City of Des Moines returned to self-funding health benefits for city employees, after an eight-year hiatus, the Des Moines Register reported today. The city council approved the move in a unanimous vote. The primary reason: Stop loss with far lower attachment point: previously […]

Compensation Committees: New Challenges Ahead

In September, a judge rejected a $33 million settlement between the Securities and Exchange Commission and Bank of America that it deemed unfair to stockholders. The settlement related to bonus payments to Merrill Lynch executives at the time of Bank of America’s acquisition of the firm. The rejection was another indication to Scott Landau that […]

Compensation Committees: New Challenges Ahead

In September, a judge rejected a $33 million settlement between the Securities and Exchange Commission and Bank of America that it deemed unfair to stockholders. The settlement related to bonus payments to Merrill Lynch executives at the time of Bank of America’s acquisition of the firm. The rejection was another indication to Scott Landau that […]

Childhood Obesity Affects Present and Future Employees

Have you thought about the employees you will hire 10 or 15 years from now? Probably not, but the National Business Group on Health (NBGH) wants you to. The organization works with large employers to develop workplace policies aimed at keeping the population healthy and productive and at the same time save money for their […]

Maximize the Cost-Savings of Consumer-Driven Health Plans: Make Them Work for Employees

Companies considering a move to a consumer-driven healthcare (CDHC) model to cut costs and keep their health plan budgets under control need to focus on employee needs. If not properly communicated, moving employees to a CDHC model can be perceived as no more than a massive cost-shift, and will damage morale and productivity. But, if […]

Changes Loom for HR Structure, Pay Practices

Compensation laws are changing, and the changes will likely mean you’ll do things differently. The Ledbetter decision, covered here in recent issues, may have you scrambling to document pay decisions better and keep the records longer (or indefinitely). What you may not know is that these decisions could have an impact on your overall human […]

How to Avoid Freezing Your Defined Benefit Pension Plan

by Richard Berger, Cammack LaRhette Consulting It seems as if everybody is freezing their pension plans. If your defined benefit (DB) plan is desirable, how can you make it manageable for the long haul and avoid a freeze? What Has Driven Employers to Freeze? Employers have been freezing their pension plans for two main reasons, […]

How to Avoid Freezing Your Defined Benefit Pension Plan

by Richard Berger, Cammack LaRhette Consulting It seems as if everybody is freezing their pension plans. If your defined benefit (DB) plan is desirable, how can you make it manageable for the long haul and avoid a freeze? What Has Driven Employers to Freeze? Employers have been freezing their pension plans for two main reasons, […]