Category: Benefits and Compensation

This topic provides guidance on how to handle compensation issues in a way that attracts and retains the best talent and advances the strategic goals of your business. You get news and tips on what’s going on nationally and in the states, and updates on changes in regulations, possible governmental action, and emerging compensation trends.

New FMLA: Tricky Questions Answered

Surveys consistently show that managing Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) issues is one of the most time-consuming—and annoying—areas HR professionals tackle. BLR’s experts at Compensation.BLR.comshare answers to some of the trickier questions they get. Q. The law defines a health condition as serious if the employee is treated by a healthcare provider for more […]

Healthcare Savings? Try Absence Management

Ah, healthcare costs. If you’ve changed carriers, deductibles, and co-payments more times than you care to remember, you may be discouraged. Take heart, says Jill Madison, there’s a better place to look for savings. Madison is managing director of Consulting Services at Craford Benefit Consultants. Her comments appeared in a white paper on BLR’s all-things-compensation […]

Metrics ‘Gotchas’—Blindsided in the C-Suite

Even with the best of metrics, you’re not home free, says Attorney James P. Greene. Once top management starts in on your stats, you won’t likely escape unscathed. Be prepared to be hit with these common “gotchas.” Greene, a member of the Ann Arbor, Michigan, office of the law firm Dykema Gossett, and director of […]

What Are HR Managers Worth?

As we come to the end of this tumultuous year, it might be a good time to ponder your worth as an HR manager. Today’s Advisor gives you some statistics from BLS and BLR, to get you started. The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides a wealth of data on salaries for HR […]

2009 Pay Increase Survey: Results

Following a drop of more than 2,000 points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in early October, we surveyed our readers to find out whether employers were revising their pay increases planned for 2009. Between October 24 and October 29, we received 518 responses. Below are the results of the survey. (Read the full story […]

Incentives or Disincentives? More Mistakes That Send Salespeople Packing

Salespeople need incentives, but it’s all too easy to “incent” your top performers out the door. Today, more common mistakes and an introduction to a compensation management program that can answer all your comp questions. Yesterday’s Advisor detailed 6 sales force compensation strategies that actually work against your company’s best interests, according to Alan McAnally, […]

How to Incentivize Your Best Salespeople … to Leave

Sales compensation should be easy, but it’s often done wrong, says Alan McAnally, president of SalesComp America. He highlights the compensation mistakes that actually encourage the best salespeople to leave. Is your sales compensation program actually sabotaging your results? It probably is, if it’s guilty of the frequently committed faux pas detailed below. They’re recounted […]

How Much Should You Pay For Employee ‘Happiness?’

A recent Gallup study shows the higher the compensation, the happier the employee. Happy employees build business success. But where’s the limit? A classic resource may help you find it. Everyone wants happy employees, right? Happy employees are productive, inventive, and supportive of all you do. Yesterday, we gave you one tool to make them […]

The Pension Protection Act (PPA): What HR Managers Must Know

When the CEO asks “How will the Pension Protection Act of 2006 affect us?”, you need to know the answer. A special November 1 BLR audio conference will help you answer. Yesterday’s Advisor laid out some of the positive benefits of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA). We discussed how the law made provisions […]

The Pension Protection Act (PPA): New Opportunities for Employers

Massive revisions in the Pension Protection Act have opened the door to automatically enroll every employee or to pay retirement benefits even as senior members of your team keep working. Here’s what you need to know about these new PPA-driven opportunities. Employers are generally leery of anything coming out of Washington that affects them. But […]