Category: Faces of HR

Faces of HR profiles members of the human resources community, sharing their personal experiences, successes, challenges, current practices, aspirations, and opinions on topics impacting the industry and its workforce.

German Hiring Practices Can Teach Us a Lot

Note: Jessie was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest. Listen to that here. I was recently speaking with Jessie Lajoie, People Operations Lead at Doodle, an international organization. Lajoie is stationed in Berlin, Germany, where employment laws differ greatly than in the United States and have a strong focus on protecting the employee. It […]

How One HR Pro Created Real Engagement During the Pandemic

I’ve been collecting approaches to employee engagement in a remote working world over the last 14 months, and there are a lot of people with a lot of ideas. But you cannot solve burnout and stress with a fun hat Zoom call or a free online yoga course. The strategy that goes behind engagement efforts […]

Poor Firing Practices Can Lead to Poor Outcomes, Including Violence

An HR person was firing a supervisor, who then said, “I have a knife in my pocket and a gun in my shoe. And if you weren’t who you are, I’d be using it right now.” That terrifying encounter comes with a very important lesson: You never know how someone will react when fired. If […]

Benefits Expert Shares Lessons of the Pandemic

We’ll likely spend the next 10 years understanding everything the pandemic has changed about work. One of the fields that saw rapid and constant change is employee benefits. But what, precisely, changed and why? What works now? What does not? Today’s “Faces of HR” guest spills the beans.

Leading Through Influence Can Save Jobs

Note: Nadian was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest. Listen to that here. When HR is given an opportunity to lead through influence, it has a good chance to take a struggling organization and reshape it into a successful one. It takes a little faith on the part of leaders, but the effects can […]

Balancing Employee Resilience with Employee Needs

Karen was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest, listen to that here. One thing the pandemic has taught us is how resilient employees are across nearly all industries. Organizations and employees alike needed to trade on that resiliency to make it to today. But such resiliency is not without costs. Today’s “Faces of HR” […]

Making Values More Than Words Across a Global Organization

Nadia was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest, listen to that here. Simply identifying your organization’s values does not make them real. It’s easy to bandy about words like “trust” and “innovation” or “motivation.” But if they are not grounded in real actions and supported by congruent behaviors, such values can fall remarkably short. […]

Benefit Expert Advocates an Important Part of Your Benefits Communications

Gianna was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest, listen to that here. Communicating benefits to your employees is a critical component of any employee benefit strategy. Today’s “Faces of HR” guest discusses how she approaches these communications, including via benefits advocates—that is, people who use certain benefits who share their experiences as a model […]

Asynchronous Communication Solves Global Workforce Woes

If you haven’t heard of asynchronous communication within a workforce, it’s the practice of not bringing everyone together into regular large meetings. It means not requiring an immediate answer when sending an e-mail or another communication. Basically, it means employees have control over when they communicate with their teammates, and it’s perfectly designed for truly […]

Tips from an HR Expert at a Cybersecurity Company

Terri was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday Guest, listen to that here. Hackers and scammers evolve every day to find new ways to compromise your security. There are many dedicated individuals out there fighting against these efforts, and today’s “Faces of HR” guest works at one. She was kind enough to share with us […]