Category: Faces of HR

Faces of HR profiles members of the human resources community, sharing their personal experiences, successes, challenges, current practices, aspirations, and opinions on topics impacting the industry and its workforce.

The Power of Boundaries in Open Communication

The value of communication cannot be understated. Learning how to connect with employees and leaders and knowing where the boundaries of that communication exist require strong communication skills. When HR successfully navigates that space, it stitches together leaders, managers, and employees in a powerful way.

Developer Turned HR Brings Critical Skills to Bear

There are so many paths to HR, and each brings with it a different set of strengths and skills that can complement the people-oriented role. Today’s guest began in IT as a developer. His time in that field has helped him bring technical savvy and a love of numbers to the role.

Meeting the Challenge of Termination with Sympathy

When I ask HR professionals what their biggest challenge is, terminations are often mentioned. Many organizations look at the end of employment as a solid, immediate, and permanent goodbye. However, that is far from the only way, and today’s guest speaks about her approach. 

HR Must Be the Conscience of an Organization

Much of the energy toward improving diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the wake of the George Floyd murder has begun to dissipate. The shock and pain of that event have been replaced with other concerns, and many activists and DEI supporters have been disheartened to see that happen. Sometimes, frank discussions surrounding these topics […]

Some HR Professionals Miss the Value of In-Person Interactions

While many jobs can be done remotely, there is a certain je ne sais quoi missing. I compare it to the difference between a digital book and a paper book. They both can be read and comprehended, but something is missing when you read a book without being able to turn the pages. Not being […]

Good Things Happen When HR Becomes Involved with Customers

Many HR departments function solely to support their leaders and employees. What happens when HR becomes involved with customers? According to today’s interviewee, such tactics help drive business in unique and powerful ways.

You Must Take Calculated Risks to Grow Yourself

As a very cautious person, I have always been fascinated by the risk-takers out there who put it all on the line to progress themselves. In this issue of “Faces of HR,” I met one such person. She was willing to take a different path to achieve her goal, even if it was risky and […]

HR Is About Moments That Matter

The virtues and values of an organization are tested during key events—for example, how new hires are onboarded, how they are treated when they need time off, and how they are supported when they are let go. These moments express the true spirit of an organization, and one HR professional refers to them as “moments […]

The World’s First Chief Fun Officer Has a Unique Approach to Hiring

Fun is something a lot of workplaces want at their organization because they understand how important it is. At the same time, fun cannot be prescribed. Getting the balance of work and play right can be very challenging, but when it does balance out, it works very well. Today’s guest calls herself a Chief Fun […]

Trust and Transparency Are Key for Empowering Employees to Be Productive

Trust, empathy, and communication were discussed throughout our Corporate Culture Week, as these three elements are vital for creating a great culture within your organization. Today’s guest takes it one step further and explains why you need to throw transparency into the mix.