Category: Faces of HR

Faces of HR profiles members of the human resources community, sharing their personal experiences, successes, challenges, current practices, aspirations, and opinions on topics impacting the industry and its workforce.

Will Remote Work Level the Playing Field for Employees?

As the world moves to remote, many have grown concerned about how differently that will affect different groups of people. Today’s guest wonders if, with a little hard work, it might be possible for the world of remote work to actually level the playing field, overturning previously existing inequities.

How an Internal Auditor Transformed HR

Having conducted nearly 60 “Faces of HR” interviews, I have spoken with people who came from every imaginable discipline before moving into HR. That’s part of what makes HR so resilient and capable—its people’s diverse backgrounds. Today’s guest comes from internal auditing, and in many ways, that puts her in a unique position to transform […]

The Pandemic Has Made Compassionate Leadership Almost Mandatory

Over the past 6 months, employee needs have become more front and center for business leaders than ever before. With so many employees worOver the last half of the year, business leaders have found the needs of their employees to be more front and center than ever before. With so many working from home, leaders […]

Good HR Is Like Good Relationships: It’s All About Trust

The importance of trust between employers and employees cannot be overstated, and it works much the same as trust works within personal relationships. Creating initial trust and maintaining it take a lot of work but not as much work as regaining the trust of a hurt partner or, in this case, a group of employees. […]

Belonging Means Asking Employees to Be Who They Are

When it comes to creating great diversity, you have to balance the overall drive for diversity with equity and inclusion. According to this issue’s interviewee, the best diversity programs don’t ask employees to fit in; they create spaces for people to be themselves.

Passion Plus Perspective Equals Successful Human Resources

The ability to jump into the shoes of your candidates, employees, managers, and leaders means that you’ll always be ready for the next challenge. I recently interviewed an HR professional who takes that very seriously, and it has brought her a lot of personal and professional success.

Have Your Employees Thanked HR for How It Handled COVID-19?

Employees hold their employers accountable for how they handled and continue to handle the pandemic. Today’s guest did such a great job that her employees compiled a thank-you video for their HR department.

Making the Decision to Focus on Diversity and Inclusion

The recent protests and expansion of the Black Lives Matter movement have caused many to reevaluate their beliefs and find new ways to take action. Leadership and HR at IntelliDyne considered the movement to be a call to action and the opportunity to reinforce and expand their diversity and inclusion efforts.