Category: HR Management & Compliance

There are dozens of details to take care of in the day-to-day operation of your department and your company. We give you case studies, news updates, best practices and training tips that keep your organization fully in compliance with ever-changing employment law, and you fully aware of emerging HR trends.

News Notes: Undocumented Workers Encouraged To File Complaints

Under a new policy, the U.S. Department of Labor and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, which oversees government contractors, will no longer inspect I-9 forms when visiting a worksite to follow up on worker complaints about labor violations. The policy shift is an attempt to encourage undocumented employees to file such complaints without […]

Salary Surveys: New Wage and Occupation Guides For California Employers Now Available

When hiring a new employee, promoting an existing worker or reviewing compensation packages, it always helps to know what your competitors are paying. You don’t want to shell out too much or discourage the best talent by paying too little. California employers have just gotten some new tools to assist them. The California Employment Development […]

Health Benefits: New COBRA Rules Announced

After a 13-year wait, the Internal Revenue Service has just released its comprehensive regulations covering COBRA health benefits continuation coverage. The new regulations-which are a complex mix of final and so-called proposed rules-clarify several gray areas of the law but don’t change the basic COBRA mandates, including the detailed notice requirements. Even though the rules […]

News Notes: Year-Round Alternative Work Not Required For Injured Seasonal Employees

Seasonal workers who are hurt on the job are not entitled to 12 months of continuous modified or alternative work as a replacement for vocational rehabilitation benefits, a California Court of Appeal has ruled. The case involved Jennifer Henry, a ski instructor at Mammoth Mountain Ski Area. After she injured her back, Henry requested vocational […]

News Notes: Employer Ordered To Pay Big For Misclassifying Managers

An Orange County jury has ordered Edwards Theaters Circuit Inc., based in Newport Beach, to pay $276,000 in back overtime wages to four theater managers who claimed they were misclassified as exempt from overtime. The employees said they spent more than half their time performing non-exempt work, including cleaning up, taking tickets and selling popcorn, […]

Retaliation Claims: Court OKs Lawsuit By Fired Employee Who Complained About Health And Safety Problems; How To Avoid This Fast-Growing Employer Risk

Most employers understand, in principle, that it’s illegal to retaliate against a worker who in good faith complains about an unsafe or illegal condition at work. In practice, however, retaliation cases are rarely black and white. Frequently, problems arise when an already difficult employee begins griping about something you feel is irrelevant or unimportant-and the […]

Disciplining Employees: New Case Points Out Why It’s Important To Have Consistent Standards Before Taking Action

One of your employees has been violating work rules. You document the problems and eventually terminate the worker. It appears you’ve done everything right and responded appropriately to the employee’s misconduct. But a new ruling makes clear that viewing each case of discipline and termination in a vacuum can get you in trouble. Even if […]

News Notes: New Health Plan Notice Rules In Effect

Following on the heels of new benefit and notice requirements for health plans offering maternity coverage, a new federal law mandates that any plans that cover mastectomies must also cover breast reconstruction and prostheses. Employees have to be notified about these benefits at the beginning of this year. Check with your health benefits provider for […]

Affirmative Action: Government Clarifies New Federal Contractor Audit Rules

If you contract with the federal government to sell or buy goods or services, you may be covered by detailed affirmative action and non-discrimination rules that are enforced by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). If so, you’re required to retain a broad array of employment records, and the OFCCP can audit your […]